Work at home for disabled persons

By Mr. Work @ Home, Publisher of

Organizations categorized by disability

For the Blind and Visually Impaired:

Work at home resources for the blind and visually impaired. This is a separate page we have started to list organizations that help the blind and visually impaired run home businesses or telecommute.

General information on organizations that help with work at home for disabled persons

The following is a list of organizations that help the disabled work from home. Most are free and some will pay for your training. Check back for updates to this list. Send other suggested resources through the feedback form.

National Telecommuting Institute

National Telecommuting Institute (NTI) is a unique educational/job-matching organization pioneering the development of telework jobs for Americans with disabilities. NTI staff bring together employers who have agreed to "go virtual," advanced communications technology, and vocational rehabilitation agencies to enable individuals with disabilities to train for and work online in environments that are more easily accessible to them.

  • NTI was incorporated as a nonprofit disability organization in Boston in 1995.
  • Has been prime contractor on contracts from federal agencies such as the IRS and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Has matched home agents with disabilities to companies such as Ticket Master, Lens Express, GE Financial Services, AT&T Language Line, 800-Flowers, Staples, and many more.
  • Includes a free course to help determine benefit eligibility.

Click here to visit the National Telecommuting Institute.

Click here for the free course to help you determine your benefit elegibility.

Lift, Inc.

Lift, Inc. is the nation's leading resource for information management and computer technology professionals who have disabilities.

Lift, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that qualifies, trains, hires, and places information technology professionals who have physical disabilities through contracts with major corporations who eventually hire them directly.

If you have a physical disability and good analytical skills, you may qualify for a rewarding new career in information technology or information management.

To qualified individuals Lift offers:

  • Intensive, full-time training individually designed to accommodate high potential candidates, from beginner to experienced.
  • Training and employment at home and/or at corporate site.
  • Accessible work environments.
  • Assistive Technology.
  • Careful screening and matching of skills, potential, and career goals with employment requirements.
  • Minimum one year employment with Lift on contract with one of its corporate clients.
  • Employment benefits, professional supervision and career development.
  • Prospective long term employment with corporate clients.

Click here to visit Lift, Inc..

Job Accommodation Network

The Job Accomodation Network (JAN) is a free consulting service designed to increase the employability of people with disabilities by:

  1. Providing individualized worksite accommodations solutions
  2. Providing technical assistance regarding the ADA and other disability related legislation
  3. Educating callers about self-employment options

The Job Accommodation Network is a free service of the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) of the U.S. Department of Labor.

Also, be sure to visit: Finding a Job that is Right for You: A Practical Approach to Looking for a Job as a Person with Disability

Melwood Program (Developmental Disabilities) Available in Maryland, District of Columbia, and Virginia

Melwood offers job training, employment, community living, leisure and travel opportunities for people with developmental disabilities in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

  • Job hotline is: 1-866-447-1340
  • Job's are also posted at their site.
  • Accredited by The Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission (CARF), the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), and the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS

Click here to get full details about Melwood's mission, vision, and programs

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Information on Telework for the disabled

The New Freedom Initiative emphasizes the important role telework can have for expanding employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

  • The government-funded Job Accommodation Network (JAN): 1-800-526-7234 (voice or TDD)
  • EEOC at (202) 663-4691 (voice) and (202) 663-7026 (TTY).

Click here to get EEOC's facts about telework for the disabled.

Disaboom Jobs is a service that has set up for the disabled to search for jobs. They also provide "The Guide to Employment" which gives you "the information you’ll need to get started, get support, and take full advantage of the laws that protect your rights in the workplace."

Note: Jobs listed through DisaboomJobs are not necessarily telecommuting positions

Disability Rights Advocate Groups

Disabilty Rights Advocates - DRALegal.
From the site: "DRA is a non-profit law firm dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. DRA advocates for disability rights through high-impact litigation, as well as research and education. We do not charge our clients for our services".

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