These are work at home products and services we don't recommend. Usually the reason we don't recommend a work at home product or service is because we think there is a better alternative, although sometimes there may be other reasons.
Note: Just because a product or service is listed here does not mean it's bad or a scam. It merely means that in our opinion you are likely to be able to find a better alternative or a comparable product or service at a better price or with better support.
You can always come here to check for work at home products we don't recommend. We also offer a free newsletters that offers both free and paid telecommuting and home businesses resources that we have thoroughly reviewed. You can sign up for the WorkAtHomeTruth newsletter here.
Warning: Sometimes companies go out of business and OTHER companies buy their old websites. While we maintain a "last updated" date on the main sections, it's certainly possible that a website changed hands after we updated it. If you need to, you can contact us via our Feedback form to ask us if the information on a particular product or service is current.
L - work at home products not recommended
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