How to get refunds on products recommended by WorkAtHomeTruth

Many of you probably have never seen a page like this on a WorkAtHome site - and you probably never will again.

Although we provide tons of free work-at-home information and resources at WorkAtHomeTruth, there are some valuable products we recommended that do cost a small fee

We are going to tell you right now how to get refunds on products that we recommend.

We thought about this and found it strange that almost no other site does this. When you go into a regular physical store, often the very first thing you see is a "Customer Service/Refunds" section. Shouldn't this be true online as well?

We've also helped way too many people get money back on products that they bought at other WorkAtHome sites that offered some sort of "guarantee" but made it impossible to get the money back.

We want you to know up front exactly how to get your money back if you don't like a product for any reason at all.

One thing you should understand is that most products we recommend are products owned by other people. So we pay special attention to how clear, reliable and easy the refund process is.

How to get ClickBank refunds

ClickBank is an incredibly safe way to buy online. This is because they are a 3rd-party payment processor and buyer protection service all rolled into one. This means that instead of the product seller handling their own transactions, ClickBank charges the product seller a fee on each transaction.

More important to you is the fact that ClickBank (which has been in business since 1998) also handles your refund requests.

Although ClickBank recommends you contact the merchant (product seller) first about refunds, in practice most people just request refunds from ClickBank themselves.

Click here for details on how to get refunds on products purchased through ClickBank

Other payment processors

Currently, we have tried to recommend primarily products from ClickBank because of their excellent refund policy.

As we add more products that use non-ClickBank payment processors we will add additional instructions for those payment processors.