I started doing this Push Button Cash Site review of its sales tactics because of my new interest in the sales tactics used in recent launches. The sales letter itself was so misleading and bizarre that I ended up creating the following equally strange Push Button Cash Site review video (A more standard review of the sales tactics is below the video).
The sales page goes a long way to tell you what the product is, but of course never tries to explain what the “magic, secret, whiz-bang” software/system is. Not only that, but it uses the typical dubious claim of only have “x numbers of a certain piece of software left” when it states:
“Now, I know you might hate reading this, but you have to make this decision fast, because I’m forced allow this software to be downloaded by only 200 people. ”

The Internet Will Disappear Soon!
It’s the typical sales letter that tries to suck in people by claiming they can “push a button and make tons of money”. If you want to keep believing in fairy dust and magic secrets then fine. But what I’ve tried to do over the years is put up videos such as the video here which actually explains what it REALLY takes to make money online…and it’s NOT a secret AND it’s not a $37 piece of software that claims to make tons ocash from a Push button Clash Site – review that last statement very carefully!
Push Button Cash Site will only cost you $47 + a few hundred more dollars.
I don’t have a problem with upsells that are reasonable. But don’t you wonder why “Daniel Young”, the “owner” of Push Button Cash site is paying people up to $263 per sale to sell his Push Button Cash Site product? Take a look at his page where he’s recruiting people to sell his software:
So what does that page mean for you? It means that he expects YOU to spend up to $438.33 on his $47 product by trying to get you to buy more and more “stuff” to help you succeed.
But wait a minute…doesn’t he claim he claim in his sales letter that he used the exact same $47 software to make $2,428,749.88 dollars in 24 months? I mean, if he’s telling truth that he made $2,428,749.88 with his $47 software, why would you need to pay for anything else?
According to Don & Jeremy’s Push Button Cash Site review he wants you to play for plenty more in order to be “successful” with his amazing “can’t miss” push button software. But here’s something even more interesting that someone who bought the software said:
“It adds a “powered by” link to the footer of your site which is not good at all since Auto generated content is totally against Google’s TOS.”
If you’re wondering if that’s true, then you may want to read what Google itself has to say about auto-generated content:
Google will take action against domains that try to rank more highly by just showing scraped or other auto-generated pages that don’t add any value to users.
Now, there are rare cases where auto-generated content does add value – the popular TechMeme site is such an example:
“Techmeme uses an algorithm to order stories by importance, which depends on several factors that include the number of links to the story’s web page and how old the story is. “Anti-gaming” efforts have been made to lower the effect that a high number of links can have on a story if the links were created in a short period of time, or by a small number of people.”
In other words, Techmeme is actually providing a potentially valuable service for certain type of users. It’s not just scraping content from other sites and posting them to a new site.
Push Button Cash Site customer support problems
I’ve also seen several people complaining about the lack of support at Push Button Cash Site. Even people saying the software didn’t even work when they bought it and tried to use it with certain hosting companies. Maybe that’s been fixed maybe it hasn’t. I’d love to hear your own experience with Push Button Cash Site – you can share them below. But, please do NOT place links in the comments.
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