24 Hour Cash Connection Review Of Red Flags

I ran across 24 Hour Cash Connection when I was reviewing the sales process just notified that another product called Home Income Surge was currently operating under the name of Home Working Connection. Site looks just like the Home Working Connection site and has some of the same issues.

All The Usual Red Flags

Most of the usual red flags are at 24HourCashConnection.com. The pricing information is more visible on this new site as compared to the previous one (HomeworkingConnection.com). The pricing information at the 24HourConnection site which you can see below the arrow on the order page is:

“To access your website, a nominal charge of $1.95 USD is needed for us to know that you are a real person. Upon payment, you’ll receive instant access to your very own website for a 5-day trial-enrollment. After your trial-enrollment expires, in order to keep your website active and available on the internet, you agree that your card will be charged $29.95 per month for hosting and maintenance. There are no hidden fees and no long-term contracts. You may cancel anytime simply by calling our office toll-free at (888) 613-2498.”

Of course, if you don’t keep your website “active” then you’re out of luck. But more importantly why would anybody pay $29.95 to keep a website active when you can keep a great number of websites access for as little as $10/month?

TIP! Opening and maintaining a new business can be incredibly time consuming. Building an online business is no different. Be prepared to put in some serious work.

Of course there’s the mandatory fake countdown timer which you can reset by simply refreshing your browser. While a fake countdown timer is sometimes considered a minor red flag, when you combine it with all of the other red flags at the site it’s an important reason to avoid the site. It’s something that the FTC often brings up when they are investigating fraudulent home business offers.

TIP! Always document EVERYTHING when dealing with a company like 24 Hour Cash Connection. Of course the most important thing to do is to AVOID dealing with the company, but if you do end up getting scammed by them, make sure you keep notes of every single interaction you have with the company. Keep a journal of your interactions in chronological order.

Strange Testimonials – Stranger Disclaimers

There are two testimonials on the order page: One from “Barry M.” claiming he made $120,000 in his first six months. The second from “Marybeth W.” claiming she made $10,000 within her first 3 months. Just like their other scam, apparently this new one didn’t “get the memo” from the FTC about use of testimonials which states:

“The use of a disclaimer such as “results not typical” is no longer a safe harbor for the claims made in testimonials. Third, while you may use atypical or best-case testimonials, if you do, you should clearly and conspicuously disclose the generally expected results consumers can expect in the depicted circumstances.”

ALERT! On October 5, 2009 the FTC published their final guidelines regarding the use of testimonials and endorsements. Two key aspects of those guidelines were:
  1. Clarification of the long-standing principle that “material connections” (sometimes payments or free products) between advertisers and endorsers – connections that consumers would not expect – must be disclosed.”
  2. Disallowing advertisers to simply use the disclaimer “results not typical” when including testimonials. According to the FTC, “Under the revised Guides, advertisements that feature a consumer and convey his or her experience with a product or service as typical when that is not the case will be required to clearly disclose the results that consumers can generally expect.”

What’s even strangers is that the front page and order page of 24 Hour Cash Connection there’s a disclaimer which says:

“Photos used in this advertisement are not of the actual testimonial individuals and personal earnings claims of any type are strictly against our policy.”

Can someone explain to me how a company that has earnings claims can seriously claim that personal earnings claims are against their own policy?

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Home Working Connection Review Of Red Flags

I was just notified that another product called Home Income Surge is now operating under the name of Home Working Connection. The following video would seem to indicate that as well:

Most of the usual red flags are here at Home Working Connection, such as the arrow pointing to the order form “above the fold” of many browser, with the pricing information underneat the arrow. By the way, if you missed the pricing information at the HomeWorkingConnection.com site, it was as follows:

“To access your website, a nominal charge of $1.95 USD is needed for us to know that you are a real person. Upon payment, you’ll receive instant access to your very own website for a 5-day trial-enrollment. After your trial-enrollment expires, in order to keep your website active and available on the internet, you agree that your card will be charged $29.95 per month for hosting and maintenance. There are no hidden fees and no long-term contracts. You may cancel anytime simply by calling our office toll-free at (888) 613-2498.”

Of course there’s the mandatory fake countdown timer Home Working Connection which you can reset by simply refreshing your browser.

There is currently another site called Online Profit Masters that appears to be somehow connected to HomeWorkingConnection.

There are two testimonials on the front page:

One from “Barry M.” claiming he made $120,000 in his first six months. The second from “Marybeth W.” claiming she made $10,000 within her first 3 months.

Apparently HomeWorkingConnection.com didn’t “get the memo” from the FTC about user of testimonials which states:

“The use of a disclaimer such as “results not typical” is no longer a safe harbor for the claims made in testimonials. Third, while you may use atypical or best-case testimonials, if you do, you should clearly and conspicuously disclose the generally expected results consumers can expect in the depicted circumstances.”

What’s even more bizarre is that HomeWorkingConnection states on the page where they PUT those testimonials:

“Photos used in this advertisement are not of the actual testimonial individuals and personal earnings claims of any type are strictly against our policy. Results shown should be considered exceptional as results will vary according to each individual’s own effort and commitment to their business.”

So, if “earnings claims of any type are strictly against” policy…then why are they DIRECTLY on the page where HomeWorkingConnection.com has that disclaimer?

And why is that verbiage in brown print on a brown background which you can see below:

Home Working Connection brown on brown disclaimer

Home Working Connection brown on brown disclaimer

Here’s that same text highlighted:

HomeWorkingConnection.com highlighted disclaimer

HomeWorkingConnection.com highlighted disclaimer

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Home Wealth Package Review Of Red Flags

This is my Home Wealth Package review of red flags that I see. My personal recommendation is to AVOID Home Wealth Package as it looks extremely similar to NUMEROUS other sites that I’ve seen that have generated an alarming number of complaints.

I’ve included a video outlining the aspects of Home Wealth Package concern me followed by detailed explanations below the video:

Red Flag #1) Use Of Fake News Advertorial Site To Promote Home Wealth Package

HomeWealthPackage.com is being promoted via a fake news site at OnlineCareerJournal.com. I don’t think I’ve EVER since one of those websites that didn’t ultimately lead to a product that generated numerous complaints. I’ve also noted in the video below some other red flags from the Online Career Journal:

Red Flag #2) Use Of 2 News Sites That Don’t Exist
Home Wealth Package references 2 News Sites that don’t actually exist in the real world:
  • The NY Financial Times (There IS a “Financial Times” out of the United Kingdom, but there is NO NY Financial Times).
  • MoneyZine – The only MoneyZine site that exists is a one-page website in french that doesn’t reference “Home Wealth Package” at all.
Red Flag #3)  Use of News logos and other logos on the Home Wealth Package With No Explanation

Home Wealth Pakckage has “As Seen On” next to the following trademarked logos:

  • CNN
  • CNBC
  • People
  • Time
  • Good Morning America
  • Los Angeles Times
  • Reader’s Digest
  • The New York Times

However, there’s no explanation as to why those logos are there. Of course, “As Seen On” is completely meaningless…most of the time on sites like this because at best it simply means that the product was advertised on those sites – which is something anybody can do.

Note that at the very bottom of the HomeWealthSolution.com page, there is a tiny, hard-to-read disclaimer (I’ve enlarged it) that says:

Home Wealth Package disclaimer

Home Wealth Package disclaimer

Bizarrely, they don’t disclaim association with CNBC, Good Morning America, Los Angeles Times, Reader’s Digest, The New York Times. So apparently HomeWealthPackage would like you to believe that they are associated with those – which of course they are NOT.

Red Flag #4) Potentially False Scarcity Tactics

Home Wealth Package makes the following claim:

“Positions are limited to just 300 new members as of today. These positions are to be taken up on a strictly first come, first serve basis.”

However, it is currently being heavily promoted. It seems highly unlikely that they are only taking “300 new members”.

Red Flag #5) The “Free” Consultation

Many people might be thrilled to see the following on the HomeWealthPackage website:

“You receive a Free 1 on 1 Training Consultation. Our consultants will walk you through setting up your new automated income stream.

If you’ve read the warnings at WorkAtHomeTruth in the past, you probably already know that these “free” consultations are used to try to hard-sell you expensive products and services that either you don’t need or at worst are completely worthless.

Red Flag #5) The “Voted #1″ Claim At Home Wealth Package

Home Wealth Package makes the claim that it has been “Voted #1 By Many Top Publications” and goes on to show several “Entrepreneur Magazines” next to the claim. Here’s the problem – Entrepreneur doesn’t “vote” on anything.

Red Flag #6) Claim Of Earning $379 Per Day

The $379 figure is a number associated with a significant portion of questionable opportunities.

Red Flag #7) Use Of Stock Photos For Testimonials

HomeWealthPackage.com has the following disclaimer at the bottom of their site (again, I’ve enlarged it):

HomeWealthPackage.com Stock Photo Disclaimer

HomeWealthPackage.com Stock Photo Disclaimer

However, there is no way for a consumer to logically tie this disclaimer to any of the testimonials. Not only that, but it’s not clear and conspicous as required by Federal Trade Commission guidelines.

Red Flag #8) You’re Agreeing To Be Recordered By Telemarketers Without Notice

There are 2 places in the sales process that notify you that you are agreeing to be called by Telemarketers. The first is on the page that leads to the order page and the second is on the the order page after the button to submit your payment.

However, there are additional terms in the privacy policy that state:

“2.3 Targeted Advertising. The Company uses Individual Information to target advertising to you. The Company uses Individual Information to advertise, directly or indirectly, to individuals using direct mail marketing or telemarketing using telephones and cell phones. Because the Company does market using telephones, you hereby give permission and consent to the Company or its affiliates to contact you via phone or email, and you agree to allow the Company or its affiliates to monitor or record your phone conversations. Verbal notice may not always be provided of monitoring or recording.”

Based on these red flags I STRONGLY urge you to avoid Home Wealth Package.

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