Note: All details of the Online Income Solution sales page, terms and conditions, privacy policy, etc. as outlined in this post have preserved in multiple ways, including video recording.
Update 3/3/2012: Conditional Refund Policy STILL Listed
Despite what you may read from support in the comments, if you are thinking of buying this, you HAVE to go by the refund policy as stated on the site itself. Here’s the refund policy as of 3/3/2012:
Read that refund policy and ask yourself the following question: “What does an “honest try” mean? Here’s the answer: NOTHING. It’s not defined.
And that’s the problem.
Conditional refund policies with vague and undefined terms like this are FREQUENTLY used to deny refund. Personally, whenever I see this type of refund policy – I RUN fast.
Update 9/9/2011: The company running Online Income Solution has presented more details about it’s sales funnel, and addressed some red flags I’ve posted so you can make an informed decision about whether or not you want to try Online Income Solution.
Update 12/17/2011: It appears that the site My Real Income has a set up very similar to Online Income Solution and uses the same support company.
Update 4/1/2012: It looks like the site Home Income Package might be related to Online Income Solution – either that or some other company or person cloned it.
Rachel Smith from Online Income Solution has stated this:
“The up-sell is for a product called Income Elite. This is a subscription product which usually costs the consumer $37.00 per month. During the up-sell process customers of Online Income Solution can gain access to this product for $9.95 per month. We would like to make clear that the re-bill is clearly disclosed on both the sales page and the order form.”
I don’t know much about Income Elite, but just checking it out quickly it looks decent at $9.95/month, especially if it has a good community.
About the Coaching program Rachel from Online Income Solution has stated this:
“The manager did not want to disclose information on which coaching floor they are using. They said that competitors research the product so they would prefer not to make that public. However, the coaching is offered by a third party as an additional service and it is up to them if they want these services? They do not have to purchase these services to use the Online Income Solution course.”
Alarm bells go off for me when I see “Coaching”, because I’ve listened to tapes of coaching sales pitches and have seen the scripts.
Since I don’t know what company Online Income Solution is using, I can’t say anything specific about the coaching floor Online Income Solution is using, but I’ll find out more on my own.
I can only tell you generally, during the past few years heard lots of horror stories from people being high-pressured to spend thousands of dollars on very bad coaching or worthless traffic, so it’s a HUGE concern anytime I see terminology that suggests they might be contacted by phone by a “coach” to “help” them.
I can also tell you this, if the coaching is based out of Utah, be exceedingly cautious. Personally, I wouldn’t let any friends or family near a coaching company out of Utah.
Of course, I probably wouldn’t let my friends and family near any sort of phone-based coaching call marketed by promising a “Free 1 on 1 Training Consultation.” Just be careful. That’s all I’ll say.
Of course, if you have information about the coaching floor that Online Income Solution uses, please post the information in the comments section. Thanks in advance for anybody who is able to do that.
IMPORTANT Online Income Solution TIP:
Do NOT reveal your credit card limits or how much money is available on your credit cards, etc., or even give ANY hint of how much money you’re willing to spend…UNTIL you ask the sales person how much money is required. If you start getting the feeling that more and more money is trying to be squeezed out of you, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY.
About Changing Payment Processors Multiple Times, Rachel From Online Income Solution has stated this:
“The reason this program has moved processors is for a variety of reasons. However, these reasons are probably not what you assume them to be? The reasons include better integration, check-out design, processing fees and support. However, as you are probably well aware Plimus took a company decision to no longer accept any payments from products in the ‘work at home’ or ‘business opportunity’ category.”
That’s true about Plimus. I still have my skeptics hat on for why they stopped using ClickBank, although the reason given does make some sense.
It’s also true that through NO fault of the company behind Online Income Solution, their prior product, Home Wealth Solution, was attacked and had it’s name hijacked by a cybercrime ring out of Beijing China, The Republic Of Lithuania, Ukraine, and Romania. I’ve been doing extensive mapping of that ring.
I started mapping out that ring back in March of 2011. You can read some of the details of that here. Other parts of the documentation I can’t reveal at this time.
Again – that ring is NOT related to Oline Income Solution.
As to the Generally Expected Results question, Rachel from Online Income Solution has stated this:
“The generally expected results are that most people will never put the information in the course to use. So a typical person will generate no results. The same principle applies to gym memberships. How many people have a gym membership but never use it? However, this does not mean the course is not good. The course is constantly being updated and they are currently working on a big upgrade which will be launched towards the end of the month.”
Here’s what the FTC has to say about testimonials:
“If the advertiser doesn’t have proof that the endorser’s experience represents what consumers will achieve by using the product, the ad must clearly and conspicuously disclose the generally expected results in the depicted circumstances.”
The emphasis on “clearly and conspicously” is mine, but it’s also something that the FTC takes very, very seriously when reviewing cases.
Original Write-Up Of Red Flags About Online Income Solution
Here are some of the aspects of Online Income Solution that concern me:
Red Flag #1) Online Income Solution is a clone of other sites that have generated NUMEROUS complaints.
What some companies do, and what it seems the company behind Online Income Solution does, is change the name of their site once that site has generated so many complaints that when a person looks online they are bombarded with staggering amounts of complaints about the company. When that happens the company clones the site and gives it a different name so that the potential customers can’t quickly find complaints about the product/site.
Red Flag #2) Unexplained use of News logos and other logos at Online Income Solution
Online Income Solution has “As Seen On” next to the following trademarked logos:
- Yahoo
- abc
Obviously, “As Seen On” is entirely meaningless…since more often than not this simply means that the product was advertised on those sites – which is something anybody can do.
Also take a look at the disclaimer at the very bottom of the page, there is a tiny, hard-to-read disclaimer that says:
“**This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, Youtube, Digg, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, ABC, CNN or CNBC nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google, Youtube, Digg, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, ABC, CNN or CNBC. All trademarks, logos, and service marks(collectively “Trademarks”) displayed are registered and/or unregistered Tradmarks of their respective owners.”
A minor issue is that the image with the logos uses one asterisk, and the disclaimer that references the image uses two astersisks (you can see that on the images below), but the real issue I have is that you have to scroll so far down to see the disclaimer.
Red Flag #3) Non-Clickable Security Seals on Online Income Solution
Update 9/8/2011: Online Income Solution has fixed the following issue by removing the logos:
Online Income Solution uses the following two non-clickable security seals on their site:
- McAfee Secure
- Verisign
NonClickable security seals are worthless as the whole point of them is to be able to click through to an independent third-party site to verify that the site – such as is secure. Not only that, but when you click through to the order page you are taken to a site called ClickSure Payments which doesn’t even use the McAfee Secure or Verisign seals.
Red Flag #4) The Online Income Solution “Free” Consultation
Many people might be excited to see the following statement on the OnlineIncomeSolution website:
“As well as your step-by-step video tutorials you receive a Free 1 on 1 Training Consultation. Our consultants will walk you through setting up your new automated income stream.”
This statement is actually THE statement to WATCH OUT for. More often than not, these types of “free” consultations are used to attempt to hard-sell you extremely expensive products and services that you either do not need – or sometimes are totally worthless.
Red Flag #5) The “Voted #1” Claim At Online Income Solution
Online Income Solution claims it’s been “Voted #1 By Many Top Publications” and even goes so far as to display numerous “Entrepreneur Magazines” next to that claim. Here’s the BIG problem and the BIG red flag – Entrepreneur doesn’t “vote” on anything.
Red Flag #6) The Online Income Solution Claim Of Earning $379 Per Day
It may sound a bit odd, but the fact is that the $379 figure is a number used by a substantial number of extremely questionable opportunities.
Red Flag #7) Use Of Stock Photos For Testimonials At Online Income Solution
The image of Jane & Jeremy C. is a stock photo.
Red Flag #8) Online Income Solution’s Bizarre And Meaningless Scarcity Tactics
Online Income Solution makes the following claim:
“IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to high demand and to protect existing members we may decide to make the number of Available Positions Limited. These positions are to be taken up on a strictly first come, first serve basis.”
However, at the same time Online Income Solution boasts that “Since Launching Online Income Solution Has Shown 86,638 People How To Create Wealth Online”. I guess Online Income Solution didn’t feel the neede to “protect” those 86,638 people. ;-)
Red Flag #9) Online Income Solutions’ Testimonials
Online Income Solution uses the following testimonials:
- Jane & Jeremy C (the stock photo couple) state, “Our marriage is the happiest it’s ever been and we finally got Porsche we always wanted.”
- Shelly (who’s photo, by the way, has been used on numerous sites very similar to Online Income Solution) states, “After earning $362 in my week and $507 in my second I’m so pleased I made the right decision to join.”
Those two testimonials potentially violate the Federal Trade Commission’s No Safe Harbor rule.
David C. Vladeck – Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection has stated:
“…the use of a disclaimer such as “results not typical” is no longer a safe harbor for the claims made in testimonials. Third, while you may use atypical or best-case testimonials, if you do, you should clearly and conspicuously disclose the generally expected results consumers can expect in the depicted circumstances. Of course, the best practice, and the less risky practice, is to use testimonials that actually reflect what your product or services is likely to deliver. In other words, rather than run ads that give with one hand but take away with the other, it would be better for your ads to give a clear picture of the results a consumer will actually get.”
Red Flag #10) Online Income Solution Is Promoted By A Fake News Site Called Career-Reports
Online Income Is being promoted by the Fake News (Advertorial) website I have NEVER seen these types of sites promote anything other than highly questionable products.
Red Flag #11) Online Income Solution Payment Processor Hopping
The previous version of Online Income Solution – “Home Wealth Solution” – moved through 3 different payment processors. It started in ClickBank, then it went to Plimus, and then it went to a payment processor out of Cyrprus called Gate2Shop.
Red Flag #12) The Online Support Team For Online Income Solution Has Started Posting In The Comments Section Here
A person who claims to represent the Online Income Solution support team has stated:
“I work for the support team that provides email support to customers for Online Income Solution and Home Website Builder.
Both of these products are legitimate and we are most definitely not as scam company.”
He then goes on to say:
“I would also like to point out that I am here simply to offer support to customers and not enter a debate about whether the author of this website believes that we are a scam.”
Don’t you wonder why he doesn’t want to debate all of the red flags outlined here?
Additional Points To Consider:
Online Income Solution have removed affiliates that people have complained about in the comments section of this site and of other sites. However, there are two highly suspect affiliate sites that they have NOT removed as of 10/2/2011:
- UK Money Making Programs – I’ve outlined several problems with this site in the comments section.
- Mikes Cash Blog – This is a flog (fake blog) with no disclaimer that according to compete brings in around 130,000 unique visitors per month and is currently promoting Online Income Solution. In fact, this same fake blog has been around since early 2009.
You can see the Compete graph for MikesCashBlog here:
Online Income Solution promoted by Career-Reports
I’ve recently noticed that Online Income Solution is being promoted by an advertorial fake news site called Career-Reports – a site that has at times received over 3 million unique visitors in a single month. While Career-Reports does have an advertorial disclaimer at the top of the site, I found a couple things puzzling about the site. Here’s a video of this site promoting Online Income Solution followed by my comments:
Like many advertorial-style sites, uses the claim that “Comments For This Article Have Been Closed Due To Spam. Back Soon!”
The question is: why would they do that unless they want people to believe the comments are real? But as you can see from the following video, some (if not all) of the comments are obviously fake:
If You're Struggling to Make Money Online Click Here to Get Answers to All of Your Questions About Making Money Online.
The site is very clever and well animated. It deliberately excites desperate viewers with all the logos and even the typing of you data into an ‘ipod’ looking box. It never says anything about HOW you can make money either.
It’s a Bad trick in a good disguise.
I agree with Paulinoia, their are so many “tricksters” out there, including this guy!!!
Has anyone figured out how to cancel the account so we arent getting charged $9.95 a month? At this point Im over the initial $20 but I just want to make sure I wont be charged continually. Please respond soon.
Don’t they have customer support for that?
Hello jan14 and Paul Schlegel.
Yes, we do have support for that. We cancel all subscriptions immediately upon receiving the instruction from the customer.
Please send us an email to [email protected] requesting a cancellation and we will reply once your request has been processed.
Paul Wilson.
OK. Thanks, Paul.
Hi Paul! It was too late when i found your site…I already registered in online solutions but i dd not finish the whole process…i stopped in the third step and immediately requested for the cancellation of my account…Will they really stop deducting money from my credit card? I just hope they do…
I do believe they intend to keep their word on their cancellation, however it seems that they have gaps in their chain of communication at times, so I would give them 3 too 4 business days and if they don’t refund the money by then, I would file a dispute with your credit card company – dispute procedures are usually on the back of your billing statement.
were you able to get your money back? I’m currently experiencing what you had experienced. Please reply…
Hi! Paul. I’ve enjoyed writing the overview of home business ideas for you. I must say I’ve been quite busy going through your reviews.
This one, like all other reviews, tells everything as it is. Cloning sites is definitely something every one looking for money making opportunities out there should know about. Honestly, I didn’t know companies would go that far. And the red flags you’ve mentioned here; I’ll make sure to look for them closely and stay away from a site that has them the next time I’m out looking for programs. And great detective job on that asterisk and disclaimer thing… It is often little details as these that can alert us to look out for other problems, but we often fail to notice them.
If these programs are scammers then you are just as bad as them….
I mean have you actually tried any of these products? All you seem to comment on is the sales pages? I agree there’s a lot of crap out there but there’s the odd product that’s pretty useful and for $5 or whatever small amount they charge, it’s like buying some books on the content.
In my opinion you rip into what seems every product out there in a bad way…I can’t help but feel there’s very dirty marketing tactics here by yourself…
Convenient I think how you rip into all these products yet suggest your own products to promote? Like I said dirty tactics on play here it seems.
I’ve learned that comments like this tend to come from one of three types of people.
1) A shill for the company.
2) An affiliate for for the company.
3) A person who doesn’t understand the what happens at the end of sales funnels such as the one set up by this sort of product and how disasterous it can be for people.
I’m not sure which one you are yet, but as you continue to comment, I’ll soon find out.
There are VERY specific types of products I write-up red flags for – and those are the types that I’ve provided extensive documentation to law enforcement on (at their request), including the FTC & the Secret Service.
I don’t much care about most products – red flags or not – I only care about the ones that can ultimately run people into substantial losses AFTER the initial lead product. The actual “product” isn’t really important when I’m focusing on the particulars of the sales funnel and how it can lead to disaster for people.
Now, I don’t think you’ll your affiliate, but one thing that is really striking to me is that back in 2009 when I talked to Senior Litigator Collot Geurard at the FTC after providing extensive help with the In Deep Services Case, I suggested that the FTC needed to go after all points of the distribution chain – not just the main company, but the affiliates and especially the affiliate networks, which are the main sources of distribution. At the time it seemed like they didn’t plan to do that, but I’ve really noticed that changing over the past year – the FTC seems to be really focusing more and more on gatekeeper liability.
My friend Lynndel Edgington who I share notes with almost daily has also noted this same trend in other branches of Federal Law Enforcment. Lynndel was the only non-agency personnel invited to one of the major task force meetings on white collar crime back in 2010. He runs Eagle Research Associates and works with an Assigned Federal Agent from the Secret Service as well several U.S. Postal Inspectors, and other law enforcement agencies he’s not allowed to disclose, has also told me that other branches of Federal Law Enforcement have also started taking this approach. Here’s what he has said on his site:
In fact, my friend commercial litigation attorney Michael Webster did a post as far back as November of 2009 called MoneyGram Scam and Gatekeeper Liability in which he noted:
This new FTC emphasis means that traditional affiliate networks as well as Joint Venture Brokers may grow to be under increasing scrutiny by the FTC. In fact, within the FTC’s Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road the FTC specifically states the following:
So what about affiliate marketers? It seems reasonable that OFTEN affiliate marketers could be construed as “Advertising Agencies” and/or “Website designer”.
So, I honestly hopefully you’re not an affiliate for companies like these, because the FTC is ramping up more and more to go after all points in the distribution chain.
I think I may have figured out who you are and the real reason why you’re here. This is going to be interesting.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the reply. I hear what you mean with regards to the sales funnels and there’s a lot of crap out there but I don’t think all are like this and you just have to be wise. I do stand by what I said to a certain extent… as you are still monetising from the products you’re personally endorsing right?
You mentioned this in your post…
The actual “product” isn’t really important when I’m focusing on the particulars of the sales funnel and how it can lead to disaster for people.
What sales funnel is this and why’s it a disaster on this particular product and other products? Just that you never go into details on stuff.
I actually phoned up the company behind this product and they seem to be a reputable company and transparent (In that info can easily be found about them)
I believe I am missing something as well in terms of who you think I am etc? I find it insulting that you automatically assume I’m bad news just because I called you out on your operation when I’m just looking to have a nice debate.
“Called me out on my operation”? That may be one of the more bizarre statements I’ve seen in a while. It doesn’t make any sense if you know the FACTS about what goes on here.
You may be right about my assumptions about you, but I have to learn to live with people thinking I’ve insulted them, because I’ve been RIGHT more often than not. There’s a certain amount of that which is just in my nature now since I talk about stuff the Feds are working on daily basis with Lynndel at Eagle and we’re always exchanging info. This post is evolving play by play just as I’ve seen other ones evolve where the company eventually shut down its website and set up a new one. Products I recommend NEVER have to do that.
It was just a quick hunch, based on your IP being from the UK, another site which promotes Online Income Solution called “UK Make Money Programs” ranking highly in the UK for Online Income Solution, and you posting so quickly here at around 6 am UK time, which I thought was extremely early to be posting.
As far as endorsing products. Yes, I endorse products that I don’t think will screw people over. And I also send people to OTHER reviewers who I trust and MANY free resources. You can see a great example of that on this page:
Real Money Making Ideas.
This site is actually a HUGE time-suck away from my other projects and I’ve spent a large amount of time helping law enforcement at NO charge to them. If you want a good idea of how deep I go, you can take a look at this diagram: Entities Chart which doesn’t even include over 300 other domains that were involved that I identified. You may also want to check on this one: News Daily 7 Connections which somehow continues to stay in operation despite several conversations I’ve had with certain “interesting” people I can’t disclose at this point (none of them initiated by me, either).
I’ve put my families finances at risk by standing up to Cease & Desists (which I’ve always won against so far), and have spent hundreds of hours at NO charge helping people get their money back by email, by phone, and through the blog without charging them ANYTHING. If you think it’s fun and profitable talking to people who are about to lose their house, job, or even their marriage, I don’t know what I can tell you. It’s NOT. It’s sad, infuriating, and heartbreaking.
Based on what you’ve said so far, I’m starting to think that you’re just not aware of what really goes on in the sales funnel. The customer support person is trying to deflect away from one critical part of that sales funnel by not mentioning it.
Here’s the key:
Just note that the person who claims to be from support has failed to mention anything about that.
I’m curious why you think this is a “debate” though. There’s nothing to debate here. It’s just a matter of looking at the FACTS.
Here’s a VERY short list of the outcomes of just a few of the other “debates” I’ve engaged in:
You sure you still want to play?
I really LOVE your answer especially the way you end it with ‘Sure you still wanna play’ Hahahhaaa! Great great absolutely brilliant I have alot of respect for you just in the fact that here you are, sticking to your principles. Its amazing to me that there is someone out on the net who doesnt want to take everyone for every penny but is actually helping people so you rawk :) Im bookmarking this page in my favorites and by the way, Bravo to you!!
hi there, i just checked one of paul’s site with the site..
after finishing the step2.cgi and clicking the submit button it shows the step3.cgi then suddenly it goes back to the main page. -___- sigh now i dont know what to believe.
Are you saying that WorkAtHomeTruth is in the swagbucks search engine? I like Swagbucks, but I don’t advertise there, so whatever problem you had has nothing to do with the WorkAtHomeTruth site – it has to do with whatever script their using.
Thank You Paul! I was referred by a friend to online income solution, and immediately after I began my investigation of the company; I found many negative reports, including yours. Your persistence of the matter with “John”, an obvious affiliate for the company, is what did it for me. I don’t know how much money you have saved me; but I appreciate every cent!
Thanks, Alisen
Sounds like your friend’s account was probably hacked.
I was just emailed this site from a friend. I was really ready to press the purchase button, then I noticed the credit card page, and became suspicious. I started searching for the claims they were making with regard to YAHOO etc. I am happy I came upon this site! You have really helped me out. I only hope other people research prior to hitting that “BUY NOW” within 5 minutes or you will loose your spot button ;)
iwant home business as soon as possible
My name is Stuart Calladine and I work for the support team that provides email support to customers for Online Income Solution and Home Website Builder.
Both of these products are legitimate and we are most definitely not as scam company.
Online Income Solution shows customers how to set up a successful affiliate website using tried and tested methods that we have used ourselves as a company. We have many 1,000’s of customers that purchase our products and see great success with these methods.
Home Website Builder is a website building tool to create your affiliate website. The only additional cost for this free tool is your monthly hosting fee which is 9.99 per month (please note: ALL websites require a hosting charge so this is most definitely not a scam).
If anyone has a specific question about our products or wishes to obtain a refund, please send us an email to:
[email protected]
We aim to respond to all email enquiries within 48 hours, so please remain patient for a response.
I would also like to point out that I am here simply to offer support to customers and not enter a debate about whether the author of this website believes that we are a scam.
I hope that this information has been helpful.
Kind regards,
Stuart Calladine
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
additional cost for FREE tool? How can it be FREE??
The additional cost is for hosting… The “tool” is a website builder – which is FREE.
I am looking for my refund. I have emailed both to your billing department ( Ticket ID: ZKR-458-57990) and your support department. Please expedite. Also please advise why is that you ask for the private digits mentioned behind the credit card. My bank says that since you have these numbers you can very easily debit our credit card without our notice. Please clarify.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Could you please stop the illegal use of my email accounts contacts to send your obvious scam advertising. It is annoying and frustrating for my buisness and friends alike. If you don’ t stop this immediatly I shall be forced to contact the authorities. FUCK OFF.
O.I.S. came to my attention when my brother emailed me a link to this site
So I checked it out and it’s not a real NBC news station site. All of the buttons on the page direct you to OIS. This page is real gutsy seeing as there is no disclaimer at the bottom. I’ve already sent a link to NBC.
So I emailed my brother back saying it’s a scam site and he got back to me all surprised because he did not send me the link. His email was hi-jacked.
Just noticed which site you were talking about. Wow.
I’m surprised the NBC and other stations don’t go after any of these sites using their logos in this way. It’s such a pervasive problem. Good idea to send NBC the link. Maybe more people need to do that.
I just did too!
The same thing just happened to me. I got an email from my sister which I immediately recognized as not one that she would write. Someone is hijacking email accounts and sending out “I did it!” emails to the whole address list. I immediately did a reply all and gave them warning of this scam.
I have just received the same “I did it!” email supposedly from my boyfriend. Right away I knew his email was hijacked, but as I scrolled down to see who else it was sent to, it listed some of his employers! I really hope they know it is not really from him! How can someone’s email address be hijacked and address book accessed? Anything we can do to prevent it?
Thanks Paul!
They need 3 things.
1. The email address.
2. The password.
3. The list of contacts.
The email address is easy via several means – but also there was a huge security breach several months ago at a company called Epsilon which provides email services for a great number of major companies – only the email addresses were comprised, not the passwords. So that’s a likely candidate for how the email address may have been obtained.
The password cracking software these days has become incredibly fast – so it can crack even the most complex passwords quickly. I’ve only learned about the technology powering this recently – so I don’t know the solution, although scammers always like the path of least resistance, so making your password diffcult is still a good idea. You can read more about this here if you’d like: Cheap GPUs are Rendering Strong Passwords Useless
As far as getting the list of contacts there are several ways, but one way is by getting people to forward messages – e.g., those innocent, cute pictures, or jokes, that people forward to friends, etc.
He definitely should run an antivirus and anti-malware program. And then change his password. Don’t allow browsers to store the passwords.
Use your email program’s blind carbon copy feature when sending emails to a group.
Hi Paul, I think John just mad because you called him out and now he can,t scam anybody any more. I,m for one am glad you,re here, or there be lot more people out there getting scammed.
Hi, I was scammed out of $3,000.00 from a web site that I didn’t check out before enrolling in their “online course” of making money on ebay. It was FOUTUNE LEARNING SYSTEMS. Of cousre I didn’t find out I was being scammed until one day I tried to get them on the phone and it was disconnected/ Also, their web site was shut down “we’re sorry, but having problem, but our techs are hard at work trying to get our site up and running real soon”. After a couple of days of that, thats when I looked into to them, and low and behold the Federal Trade Commission had shut them down. along with law enforcement. I had all kinds of evidence against them, also, filed a complaint with the FTC, but, my credit card company, CAPITOL ONE investagation department said I didn’t have enough evidence and they wouldn’t remove the charge from my credit card even though I sent them a court document from the FTC that they were being sued and they had scammed millions from people like myself. A big lesson learned!! Research….that’s the only way to find out about these scammers. Wish I would have done so myself.
How long ago was that? Credit Card companies used to be very anti-consumer in these situations prior to July, 2009. After that, it became a bit easier to win disputes like yours.
No matter how long ago, I think it would still be worth contacting the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and file a complaint about how Capital One handled that case.
On the complaint form you’ll see a drop-down menu which has “billing disputes” listed.
The direct link to the Credit Card Complaint form is here:
Credit Card Complaint Form
I tried accessing O.I.S. website and all i could get is this message from out trend micro web security apps:
URL Blocked
Access to this web site was blocked by an IT URL Filtering policy because of its category.
Event Details:
Category: Disease Vector
If you believe this URL was blocked in error, please contact your IT staff to resolve this issue.
Funny thing though, if this is a reputable site, this will not be blocked at all.
Hello JM,
My name is Rachel Smith and I work for the support team for Online Income Solution and Home Website Builder.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. First of all, please accept my apologies regarding this matter. I must stress for the record that all of these emails are coming from one of our affiliates (partners), and NOT us personally.
The affiliate responsible has had their account suspended with immediate effect, as we DO NOT tolerate hacking into people’s email accounts and we are taking this situation extremely seriously. If you have any questions or receive any more of these emails please contact us directly at: [email protected].
I hope that this information has been helpful.
Kind regards,
Rachel Smith
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
Hello Paul,
I’m Rachel Smith and I work for the support team for Online Income Solution and Home Website Builder.
With regards to your comments about the sales funnel. We offer an upgrade to more advanced and additional information to help with the program. The program that we up-sell is run by a third party and has a A rating on IMReport Card. If you went direct to the product you would be billed a higher amount each month, so our offer is a very good deal.
With regards to the one on one training consultation, we always try our best to work with legitimate coaching floors and we have stopped working with companies that we have received complaints about.
On the form for the coaching in the sales funnel it does state that the coaching company is a third party and they may offer additional services. You do not need to upgrade or take the coaching to use the Online Income Solution course.
If you have any other questions or problems then please contact me directly at [email protected].
Kind Regards,
Rachel Smith
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
A few questions, which it sounds like you’ll be willing to answer based on what you’ve posted here:
1) What is the third-party up-sell that is A-Rated on IMReport Card?
2) What is the coaching floor you’re using.
3) How do you screen the coaches to make sure they’re qualified to do the coaching?
4) What was the coaching floor you used in the past that you received complaints about?
5) Why did the company behind Online Income Solution move its payment processor from ClickBank to Plimus to Gate2Shop (ClickSure) within such a short period of time?
6) What are the generally expected results consumers can expect to achieve using Online Income Solution?
Hello Paul,
Sorry for the delay getting back to you.
With regards to your questions I spoke with one of the managers at Online Income Solution and they provided me with the following information.
1. The up-sell is for a product called Income Elite. This is a subscription product which usually costs the consumer $37.00 per month. During the up-sell process customers of Online Income Solution can gain access to this product for $9.95 per month. We would like to make clear that the re-bill is clearly disclosed on both the sales page and the order form.
2/3/4. The manager did not want to disclose information on which coaching floor they are using. They said that competitors research the product so they would prefer not to make that public. However, the coaching is offered by a third party as an additional service and it is up to them if they want these services? They do not have to purchase these services to use the Online Income Solution course.
5. The reason this program has moved processors is for a variety of reasons. However, these reasons are probably not what you assume them to be? The reasons include better integration, check-out design, processing fees and support. However, as you are probably well aware Plimus took a company decision to no longer accept any payments from products in the ‘work at home’ or ‘business opportunity’ category.
6. The generally expected results are that most people will never put the information in the course to use. So a typical person will generate no results. The same principle applies to gym memberships. How many people have a gym membership but never use it? However, this does not mean the course is not good. The course is constantly being updated and they are currently working on a big upgrade which will be launched towards the end of the month.
I hope this information helps. If you have any other questions or problems then please contact me directly at [email protected]
Kind regards,
Rachel Smith
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
Thank you, Rachel.
I’ve updated the beginning of the post with your responses.
Is this web site real?
Hi Paul !
Thanks for your review.
Hey Paul,
I was very interested in your review. Every once in awhile I click on one of these “make money from home” links just to check out if it’s legit or not. Usually after reading reviews like yours I find out that they are not.
I am interested to know your suggestions on actual reputable sites that could help me make money from home. I am not looking for a “get rich quick” site, or one that promises to make a Porsche available to me. I am simply interested in supplementing my income to help to pay off my debt.
I work retail right now. I’m not sure if you have ever worked retail or not, but it is one of the most life sucking jobs that you could possibly find. It’s not something that I care to do for the rest of my life so I am looking for something that could possibly help me get my debts paid to make going back to college a realistic goal.
I would really appreciate any response that you might have.
Hi Josh,
I’ve done all kinds of jobs since 11, many of the retail or food service and put myself through college as well, so I hear you.
Here’s a couple pages on the site I would check out. If you can write – even at a decent level, which it seems like you can, then I would check out this page:
Make Money Writing For The Web
There’s an extensive list of sites I trust here:
Real Money Making Ideas
That page is divided into:
– Work At Home Scam Educational Resources
– Resources for Money Making Ideas Online And At Home
– Freelance And Telecommuting (Home Job) Oriented
There’s a page that includes a few unusual ways to make extra money here:
Ways To Make Extra Money
If you have questions, you can ask them here:
I would just like to point out that you have a mistake in the text. There is no such a thing/place as “The Republic Of Lithiana” (in the paragraph about the website being hacked). There is, however, the Republic of Lithuania. Isn’t that what you meant?
Yep. Thanks, Lina. Fixed it.
Here’s some more evidence that this site is a scam, “The income or financial examples given are in no way meant as a representation of actual or possible earnings, nor are they meant as an inducement, promise, guarantee or prediction of income of any kind. No income claims, promises, predictions or guarantees are made of any kind.” This is in the contract you sign and the majority of people will sign it without reading i beg you to read everything you sing .
hello sir,
pls guide me this online income solution web site is genuine or scam .
can i start r not
thanx a lot
Thank you for a well researched review.
My initial thoughts on viewing the fake news site and the OIS website was “scam”. My immediate google search took me to your site. Thank you for saving me (and all your readers) hours of research. I believe the account used to send me the links must have been hijacked as I the sender has no knowledge of OIS or on line income generation.
In terms of your treatment of John, you probably are exasperated by individuals persistence in trying to profit from desperation, even when their methods are downright criminal. I would however have expected a more moderate reaction on your part. You showed excellent tolerance and restraint in dealing with Rachel and even allowed her responses to be integrated in to your review. That was a very clear indication of your good intentions and your fair reviews.
Excellent points about my treatment of John vs. Rachel. I suppose it does get to me when I put SO much free time into helping law enforcement and helping people get their money back that sometimes I’m not as thoughtful in my responses as I should be. I’m better than I used to be, believe it or not. And getting called on my treatment as you’ve done is a good reminder.
A friends email acct got hacked and I have pasted the contents below. I called him and he said he didn’t send it; and said G** d**** it got hacked too. S** of a ***** these damn ppl on the internet are ****** and more ***’s. I did some research on the company and found this site.
“I have always worked hard for what I wanted I kept telling myself things would get better I thought this would intrigue you… these days I stay on top of my game this will be worth your time”
That sounds more like a rogue affiliate. I think that Online Income Solution has been working at kicking those affiliates out.
Looking at where that site goes. Right now it lands you at a promotion for a product called Clicks2Cash.
Regardless of how this plays out, stay on that ass Paul. They need to be kept on their toes (or is it heels?).
Thx, Philip
I can confirm that we are not hacking into people’s emails accounts and sending out emails. We do not need to do this to advertise our company.
We believe it is an affiliate of ours and we are working on finding out who it is and dealing with them directly.
As Paul stated, the link in the email doesn’t even direct you to the Online Income Solution website.
If anyone has any queries then please email me or one of the customer support team at [email protected].
Rachel Smith
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
that is a lie !!!! your company hached into my wifes contacts,and they are contacted several times a day from your company .what a crappy way for a company to do buisness agrivating people.if u think this sells u are sadely mistaken. shame on you hackers!!!!!!!!!!
Please can I do this from where I am in Africa; i.e. Ghana.?
Does it apply only in USA?
Are all the reviews scams too, or is every thing online just one big scam.
Certainly there are tons of scams online – and it’s just not feasible for a person to buy every single product to find out whether or not it’s a scam. That’s a big reason why I started doing analysis of sales pages – as a way to help people develop an eye for what to think about when reviewing a sales page. There’s often quite a bit of technical analysis that can be done, too, but just looking out for red flags can help you eliminate a huge amount of the scam products.
But one or two red flags may or may not mean anything. But when the red flags keep piling on, then it’s probably time to pass. It also depends on how significant the red flags are – for example an unsecured order page hosted out of The Russian Federation is obviously going to be a bigger concern than an important disclaimer that isn’t clearly and conspicously placed, etc.
Hello Ike,
I can advise that our program is open to everyone and you can join from your location.
Feel free to join at our website below:
[link removed]
If you have any other questions please feel free to email us at [email protected].
Rachel Smith
Online Income Solution Customer Support
Rachel, I debated how to handle the link you posted, because like most blogs, this blog generally doesn’t allow links within the comments. But certainly they can contact you via the email address you left.
About six weeks ago, I signed up with a company called I have no idea why I didn’t research them further before I gave them my money. (I guess because I lost a quarter of my income and I was desperate.) Well, the “sign-up” page was all gung-ho, rah rah, can’t lose, do-it-today-before-it’s-too-late, 14 positions left, hurry, hurry! And once you sign up, the verbiage immediately goes into “this is not easy work”, “not everyone will succeed” and “you must work hard to make this pay off”. So, no problem; I’m not afraid of hard work. But, the way the promo page read, I thought you processed rebates for companys issued back to purchasing customers. It wasn’t. You pick a company (representing their product). Then, you go to a simple web site-building site like weeby and build a site offering those customers who have made a purchase of the product that you chose a rebate. Obviously, there are others out there doing the same thing so you must either pick a product that no one else is pushing or your rebate amount must be higher than anyone else so that you get the rebate. The way that you make your money is that you get a commission off the product that you chose but in order to get that “sale”, your rebate must be the most appealing. If you are offering a $10 rebate and someone else is offering $50, guess who will get the transaction?
There was a money-back guarantee if you weren’t completely satisfied or if you gave it your best shot and it did not work. I was not impressed, didn’t like it, didn’t like the odds of making money so I asked for my money back. I received a telephone call from one of their “coaches” and told him I had already requested my money back. He said I should be hearing from someone that week. NOTHING! I made four requests.
I emailed Capital One, told them the situation and they sent me an email with a dispute form. Filled it out and within that week, I had my money credited back to my card. I have learned that you have 60 days to dispute the charge then they have 90 days to make their case to keep it. I was also told that most often they don’t dispute because they are doing things that they don’t want to draw attention for so they just keep quiet.
I doubt I will ever try anything else like this online again. As much as I love the internet, it’s always the smarmy, unethical, lazy a –holes that have to ruin things for those of us who are simply looking for an opportunity!
I’m not sure how you ended up at this Online Income Solution review page, since what you’ve outlined isn’t related to the Online Income Solution program. Although, I see that you mention being called by a “coach”, so maybe that’s how you landed here?
However, I can tell you that back in 2009, Rebate Processing Scams were rampant. I helped provide documentation about those scams to ABC’s 20/20 back in 2009. In fact, the specific one that they covered was shut down by the FTC. You can see that here: Federal Trade Commission v. Make You Famous Consulting.
But again, none of that has anything to do with Online Income Solution.
You are well informed and do the public a great service. If only more people felt compelled to give
us the truth. Thank you.
I’m currently doing research one the same topic; Online Income Solutions, I’ve found several websites that gave positive and negative reviews but I’m new to the online home business thingy and I wanna get on board with one of them. So far I can say that Niche Blitzkrieg is a best shot for me. Paul, may I have your thoughts on this link [link removed]. This guy claims he bought the program and made some level of progress, I’d like to verify if this info/website is real or fake. Thank you for your time Paul.
As I mentioned to Rachel, most blogs, including this one, don’t allow links within the comments section. Automated spambots see the links then go crazy trying to post comments.
However, I will mention that you referenced the Online Income Solution review at the site called UK Money Making Programs.
It’s taken a little longer to answer you’re question because I had to document quite a bit of the site to cover this comment and possible future comments about the site. I document using many different methods, including video recording.
I had briefly mentioned the UK Money Making Programs site before, but after looking at it more extensively, I felt it warranted full documentation based on the numerous red flags I will cover now and possibly in the future. These will certainly cause any reasonable person to question the authenticity of the Online Income Solution review at the site. I’m not saying the Online Income Solution review there isn’t real – I can’t know that for sure. But I can tell you what I DO know about the site and you can decide for yourself how reliable you think the review might be.
I’m also dumbfounded by Online Income Solution’s apparent lack of interest in these extensive and obvious red flags.
Here are some FACTS about the UK Money Making Programs site:
Here are the initial red flags I’m seeing at the UK Money Making Programs site:
FACT #1) The images of the “Team” at the UK Money Making Site related to the Online Income Review you’ve referenced are all stock photos:
Click here to see a photo of “Alex Smith” – the “founder” of UK Money Making Programs at iStockPhoto.
Click here to see a photo of “Daniel Stein” – UK Money Making Programs “Forex Advisor” at iStockPhoto.
Click here to see a photo of “Marline Anderson” – UK Money Making Programs “Paid Survey Princess” at iStockPhoto.
Click here to see a photo of “Steve Franklin” – UK Money Making Program’s “Blogging, Twitter and Google enthusiast” at iStockPhoto.
FACT #2) The UK Money Making Program Testimonials It Uses For Online Income Solution are stock photos.
What’s interesting is that the photos that the UK Money Making Program site uses for it’s alleged testimonials for Online Income Solution are not the ones on the Online Income Solutino sales pages.
Here are some examples of Online Income Solution testimonials the UK Money Making Program site uses:
Click here to see a photo of Gregory Smith
Click here to see a photo of Christina Lopez.
Will follow up with more after doing some more research. I’m looking at several connections between sites I’m not sure are relevant or not.
Hey Paul,
Good stuff. Unfortunately, I have to agree with your statement about phone coaching (especially from Utah). I feel for that once. Thousands of dollars. Holy Cow! Man! Wish I had known you back then. Of course, all your other points are valid as well. You know you’re stuff! Thanks again for looking out for us!
Many Thanks for your wonderful help. I’m really grateful for the information and wisdom you share with the world. I greatly appreciate your efforts. God bless you Paul
Thanks, Bruce.
Have any of you heard about internet secrets and Paypal wants to pay you by Jean Ryatt. Are these legitt or scams totally. Has anyone tried it please?
Dear Paul,
This is a good job you are doing. Obviously, the internet becoming more and more popular for home businesses and as a result of people trying to get out of the job rat race, certain individuals are taking advantage of this opportunity to develop scam programs and rip off the innocent on the internet.
However, the information you provided is very insightful, I just hope people will be very vigilant and do a research on programs they come across before plunging in.
As far as Online Income Solutions is concerned, seems like a new program to me. As a general rule, I would not get into programs that have been newly launched and just like it has been mentioned, it is important to research about the Company/Program and based on the reviews, one can choose or not to join. If 50%+ of what I find is negative, I simply don’t give it a further thought.
NB: I am also new to Online Businesses or Work from Home Programs, so definitely learning alot in the past few months I decided to venture this way to create susbstancial incomes for myself.
Thanks Viollah,
I completely agree with you about waiting for feedback on a program.
I think Paul should be re named The !! Simon Templar!! of the net Thanks Paul
Well, I didn’t start my career as a criminal like Simon Templar (unless you consider hustling backgammon when I was a teenager a crime), but just looked up Simon Templar looks like some great reading.
Hi Paul!
Thanks for saving my money! i was about to sign up for OIS but for a split second, decided to google any review about the website and was lead to your review site. Thank you. For people like me who’s jobless, it’s very tempting to jump into this subtly misleading and opportunistic online scammers!
Keep up!
Whereas US has the most up-to-date internet technology and most powerful web business, no doubt that there’re quite many “cheaters”/”liars” who want to make money with some tricky plots.
Swindlers are swindlers, no matter what methods they are using.
So ordinary people really should be very careful, as this world is full of good people, but also many many “bad” people.
Good luck, America!
Hello Gio,
We are not swindlers, or bad people. How can you call us bad people when you do not even know us, or the product. People jump to conclusions and the majority of people didn’t even give the product a chance. Affiliate Marketing is not a scam! People have been doing affiliate marketing for years and making some good money from it.
It’s funny that most of the people hyping up about this “scam” either haven’t purchased the product or lack the determination and patience to actually work on it and become a success online.
Also, I have never seen a scam that gives people a full refund without any questions being asked.
If anyone has any questions, please email us on [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
Paul Wilson
Online Income Solution
Thanks for explaining the change in the refund policy.
Is Online Income Solution going to change the refund policy on the website? The Online Income Solution refund policy as stated on the website is a conditional refund, not a “no questions asked” refund. Here’s what it says:
Also, there are all kinds of reasons why people don’t succeed, even if they do put forth their best effort with a reliable system. I’ve talked quite a bit about that over the years. I understand what you’re saying and perhaps your frustration and have seen it myself, but to say those are the only reasons people fail is a bit naive. You can read “Fooled By Randomness” and “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell if you want more details about that.
Hello Paul,
Thank you for your reply. I can confirm I have forwarded your query regarding the refund policy over to higher management. Although, I can advise that we are giving full refunds no questions asked at present. I totally understand that people do put the time and effort in and still find this difficult. We are doing everything we can to help these people. We have set up Live Chat for Online Income Solution and Home Website Builder which operates Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm GMT. So if anyone wants to speak to us in real time, we will be happy to help them.
All the best,
Paul Wilson
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
Thanks, Paul
I’ve tried to put any additional information at the top of the post, but I just want to be sure about it.
Hi Paul,
I received an email for email processors to earn $25/email processed linked to this site Is this one of those scams? Please let me know.
I was scammed by – I mailed out 900 letters and never got paid to date – so I’m skeptical about this one. Are there any legitimate work at home jobs similar to mailing letters or filling out forms type of work I can contact? Please advise.
thanks Anne
I would check the Freelance and Telecommuting section on this page:
Real Money Making Ideas. However, if you are in the U.S. it’s very difficult to find basic work that pays well because you’re competing with people from other countries that are willing to do the same work for as little as $1 – $2 per hour.
I was also wondering about bigmailbiz…I have recieved a post dated check, but the $220.00 postage comes out of my pocket and I am reimbersed on the check. I am worried the check may not be real and when I go to cash it, I will be out the money I put on the postage…I only have till Nov. 30th to complete the assignment and then I can cash the check on Dec. 5th…but how do I know it’s legit? I am unemployed at this time and that amount of money up front is a lot to me right now…
I looked at their site at BigMailBiz .com and it appears to be an envelope stuffing scam. But worse, it sounds like it may actually be a payment processing scam. If it’s a payment processing scam, then the check will appear to clear in your bank, you’ll send them money for postage, and after that the check will actually turn out to be bad – and YOU are on the hook to pay the FULL amount of the check you deposited. And if the check is bad, technically you could be criminally charged for depositing a fraudulent check.
The people giving testimonials on the Online Income Solution website certainly get around. On Shelley was living in Wisconsin, USA. She made $362 in one week and $507 the next. On the same site Jane & Jeremy C lived in Scottsdale, PHX and have boguth a Porsche.
On Shelley lived in Oldham, U.K. She made £362 in one week and £507 the next. Funny how she made the same amount in pounds here as she did in dollars when she lived in Wisconsin. Now Jane & Jeremy C live in Liverpool, UK where they have bought another Porsche.
Thumbs-up to you. I’m a newbie in making making money genuinely on the internet. i will really appreciate it if you can kindly put me through. any opportunity for me because i reside in Nigeria?
I’ve tried really hard to figure out solutions for people from Nigeria, and to date have not been successful. I will keep plugging away and will contact you if I make any headway.
Dang, I thought it sounded too good to be true. I almost signed up today with OIS as well because they had that, “Only 3 positions in your area available. Hurry! Blah blah blah…” So I freaked out and was just about to do it when I slowed down and decided to do my research and was lead to your website. Thanks man. Although, I do find it sort of bittersweet since I really thought I was going to be rolling in the dough all in one day, and do it while sitting on my butt. Haha. But I’m really glad I found this information before I got scammed.
Thanks again.
Thank you for what you do. Most of these schemes seem too good, it’s hard not to be gullible and try them out. We… the whole world desperately need to apply some brakes and do some research. I live in Africa and would appreciate your recommendations for schemes that genuinely reward. Once again , not get rich quick schemes but a decent return on the effort.
Thanks again.
It depends on which part of Africa. I’ve had people from Kenya tell me that this page helped them:
Make Money Writing For The Web.
You might want to check out this page, too:
Real Money Making Ideas. However, I can’t say for sure if everything will work from your country. Seems like I’ll need to learn more about what works there as there seems to be quite a few people from Africa asking questions recently.
Hi Paul,
I live in Zambia in Central Africa. Please help in pointing towards what might work here.
Hey Dave,
I don’t have much experience in that area, but I have your email address from your comment. Would you like me to keep in touch with you about it via email?
I would appreciate that very much. Thanks for taking the time once again.
Good luck.
No Problem, Dave.
1st of all, Paul DAMN MAN U ROCK ! :) I will be sending u a PM later tday about a tip or two, hopefully I’ll get an answer till end of week ( u must be very busy man :) ) Anyhow, I found the OIS somehow, dunno rly how :) over the inet and just took a look into it. I saw the 20$ entering fee and said to myself, damn! I can afford that much, and I do want to make some money, even if its only the double of that what I will pay to enter the program. So, before I dive into the unknown, I did my share of exploring, went to bottom of page, yeh, “an old timer” on the Inet like me 1st checks bottom then goes top ;) and I took a look in the Refund Policy, Terms and Conditions(a text that I never ever read when playin those mega popular games ..) and then tried to click on some of the “links” . Also, as I use higher resolution, I always Zoom IN :) so, that last part dooooown bottom, hardly readable was clearly viewed and after all that… I said, heck! I might try it ! ,just, let me check on google :) > type > OIS true or scam? > found ur post, read it whole, and here, updating ur User Comments with +1 from me :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this wonderful review and also for the commitment for replying on all those questions/statements in the User Comments. Wish u good luck in future ,and hopefully (as i mentioned in the start..) a PM reply from u :)))
Nenad > Macedonia
Thanks Xanidrar,
That’s a great way to explain how to read a sales page – from the bottom up.
omg,..i am therefore a victim if all statements are true ;( my gosh…
Hello Jennifer.
I can confirm you are not a victim.
If you have purchased this and do not wish to proceed, then please email us on [email protected] and we will happily refund you.
Kind Regards,
Paul Wilson.
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
Thankyou Paul!
I paid $9.97 for OIS and had a hard time getting my website up and ask for a refund and they refunded me 3 to 7 days later and then I got a phone call to do a profile and she was very nice and told me when I get real serious about doing the home business to call her back and they would do step by step on how to do it and she said to save up $500.00 to invest into the business but that wasn’t to give to them but to the make my home base business better so I wouldn’t take away from my children. So I ‘m still not sure if it’s a scam or not. Is there anybody out there that has done OIS and has success. Would love to hear maybe OIS could get some of their people that they have help to do this reply……
Hello Mendy,
It sounds like the lady who contacted you was from an independent company who offer one to one coaching to our customers. This is only optional and you don’t have to take them up on their offer. However, if you decide to go through with it, please remember they are not a part of Online Income Solution, they are a separate company. OIS Customer Support can only assist you with matters regarding Online Income Solution and Home Website Builder.
If you decide to try Online Income Solution again, you can contact us by emailing [email protected] and we will happily help you every step of the way. We also now have Live Chat which you can use to contact us Monday-Friday 10am to 5:30pm GMT.
Paul Wilson.
Hello Paul,
Is the information given by the video you recommended on how to “Really make money online” true?
Yes, George
Hi Paul,
I am a citizen of India and I received this email from my friend to join online income solution. First I thought its just like day today emails which we receive to make quick money but when I read most of the reviews to join online income solution I have them very positive. I would like you to guide me if I can join online income solution being an Indian citizen and if I register myself will I have to provide my credit card details, etc. One more thing I would like to know that if I register myself in online income solution and when I ‘ll start making money, will the paycheck be delivered to my postal address or will it be credited to my account. Kindy brief me on this. Awiating your reply.
Thanks & Regards,
I got this email below from my younger brother:
“Hey Friend!
literally don’t let this golden prospect pass you up
c ya”.
Was wondering why my younger brother would address me as “Hey Friend”…so i put a call across to him immediately. Amazingly,he didn’t know anyfin about the mail.I still followed the link out of curiousity.I got to the “Online income solution” page;The layout of the webpage increased ma suspicion…i simply filled in a “dummy email” address and i got a…”congratulations, you qualify” and i was asked to pay $19 for an offer that used to be $39 (I hate people discounting offers on the internet and u’re a suspect once u offer me a discount).I Wanted to close the window and a pop-up says “you have being given a $10 discount if you pay now (Meaning i would have parted with $19 if i didn’t attempt to leave, getting more interesting huh?).I clicked on the “$10 discount offer” link and read several “motivational piece” on why i should start earning big checks in 24hours…i was so disgusted at this point cos i hate “too-good-to-be-true” offers.I was about to navigate away when another window popped up and asked me to grab the offer for $4 (I bursted into a big laughter).
Their desperation to get any amount off says just one thing…the “product is worth nothing” and any amount you pay is free money for them!!!My instinct also tells me that “Your Credit card info” is also the second strategy of keeping up with this business, you need to really watch out. The 3rd and “chief strategy” these guys use is to hack into the email address you provide before changing your mind and blast up all your contacts to come see their site through various links you would never suspect.
We need to be wary of them.There is no foundation to their offerings.They have multiple websites cloned to carry out similar “get rich quick programs” with bogus claims and unfounded testimonials.You have being warned.
I’m Nigerian and i also work with a popular anti-corruption agencies that have being clamoring down on Online scammers in my country.i know the shades, colors and nitty-gritty of an “Online Scam”…No Nigerian can get scammed online for obvious reasons!!!
Just a word to the “Online Income Solution team”,i really do admire your courage and creativity, i only feel that this energy should be channelled to endeavors that would lessen the misery in the world and not add more to it.
Remember that the Law of seed and Harvest, Cause and Effect, Action and Reaction is a universal law and it will catch up with u anyday and anytime.
There are better ways to make money rather than fleece innocent people of their sweat.I rest my case at this point.
That sounds like a case where you’re brother’s account was hacked by an unscrupulous affiliate. As much as I don’t like much of how Online Income Solution advertises & sells, that sounds more like a rogue affiliate – not an affiliate who’s methods they endorse. I checked the site and while it still says “Online Income Solutions” (it has plural), the link lead to an entirely different product now.
Glad to hear about the work you’re doing in Nigeria, too.
@ Paul, This issue of an “affiliate did this or that” doesn’t sound to me like a statement from a responsible businessman or Organization. What does an “affiliate” have to gain by hacking peoples’ email, blasting their contacts emails that make them land on Online Income Solution’s website? If the “affiliate” is hacking for fun…while not drive traffic to facebook or to CNN?why are they hacking and driving traffic to your site without your permission?I need you to clarify this amongst others cos “hacking” is no good news either from an affiliate or the others.
What I’m saying is that they shut down those affiliates once they discovered them. Again, I’m not defending their other marketing practices. I think that’s evident in the huge post of Red Flags I’ve done. I’m just trying to be accurate as possible about what I say here.
It surprises me that you don’t understand what a rogue affiliate has to gain through such activities if you truly are working in the anti-corruption area that you claim to be working in – either that or you don’t understand what an affiliate marketer does (they earn a percentage of the sales they drive for a company). I provide documentation to Federal Law Enforcement here through a good friend who works with numerous assigned Federal Agents – and most, if not all of them, would find your statement baffling. Hackers have moved from just trying to hack stuff for fun – to completely organized hacking crime rings. One of the big ones right now is operating out of Beijing China, The Republic Of Lithiana, Ukraine, and Romania and is running thousands of sites targeting people looking for home businesses.
Hello Shola and Paul Schlegel.
Thank you Paul for explaining the practices of these rogue affiliates. We have closed many affiliates down already and will continue to do so until they are all closed for good. We are finding the majority are coming from China as you state in your reply.
Shola, please forward the email to us at [email protected] and we will investigate this.
Many Thanks
Paul Wilson
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
Thank you Paul for this very usefull review.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for this useful review. But sad to say I already signed up without researching on what they really are. I just got pushed by a friend to do it. I contacted them through online support and they are saying that I will be refunded the full amount in 3-7 days. The representative confirmed that my account is cancelled.
Should I be worried about my credit card info that I gave them. Should I ask my bank to deactivate that card? Is ClickSure safe? its using https.
Please give me inputs. Im really worried.
Hoping for your reply.
Tin, if it’s the actual Online Income Solution company and you paid through ClickSure, you shouldn’t be worried. If you read my original write-up at the top – my main concern had to do with any sort of “coaching program” you might be asked to engage in. The company also addressed my concerns about ClickSure. Just confirm that the amount is actually canceled.
Again, it’s the third-party coaching programs that often charge thousands of dollars that I’ve seen the most problems with historically and which have led to the most serious complaints.
paul thanks for the prompt reply. Can you please confirm if this is real site : it says join . onlineincomesolutions . com
and clicksure: billing . clicksure . com and couple mre i had to do the space so as it wont show as a link.
is clicksure safe?
Tin, do you mean join . onlineincomesolutions . com or join . onlineincomesolution .com?
join . onlineincomesolutions .com is a parked page.
join . onlineincomesolution .com is the actual site reviewed here (the real site).
ClickSure appears to be legitimate as far as I can tell.
Hello Tim and Paul.
I can confirm ClickSure is 100% legitimate. The join. onlineincomesolutions .com is not our website. The actual website join . onlineincomesolution .com is our website and is also legitimate.
Paul Wilson.
hi paul s. and paul w, :)
sorry typo error its join . onlineincomesolution . com
hope so paul will be waiting for my refund then il confirm if you guys are doing good business :)
Thanks, Tin
Looking forward to hearing your outcome.
hi paul.
anyway its just weird that i did get charged for the initial payment. and when i checked my finaces and unbilled there nothing by clicksure. figures are correct based on my computation they may reversed the charge. but wil stick check it in the next few days. i cant confirm just yet.
only thing bugging me right now is that since iv given them my email i get numerous email with a link still pointing to the same site.
That is strange, Tin.
Definitely keep an eye on it. Of course the safest route if you’re not absolutely sure of the site you went to would be to cancel/reissue the card as you mentioned previously.
im definite that its onlineincomesolution. i just chatted with one of rep again and confirmed it was cancelled. will be calling the bank to make sure.
hi paul sorry if doing too much comments/replies on you review. anyway just called the bank, they confirmed that clicksure did charge me. It isn’t reflecting on my online statement since its always late. I am still waiting for the refund. So plesae onlineincomesolutions people… If I got it back then I can confirm if you guys are legit.
No problem, Tin
Thanks, for the updates.
hi paul.
update: still no refund from
still holding of the amount on my card. isnt a charge just yet but the amount is deducted from my credit limit.
almost 2 weeks.
Do you mean they took off the charge, but you still have your credit limit reduced by that same amount?
it hasnt been charged since i immediately asked them to cancel it. but credit limit is still reduced. called the bank. said the company must is still holding the amount.
I went to the online income solution website after getting an email from a friend who recommended it. I was quite interested because it came from a friend but it turns out that the email was not sent by him. He just wrote again explaining that his account has been hacked into. I had already put in my details and checked availability (before I found out it is a scam) and it said that I qualify. The email address I used was spare so I hardly ever received any emails but now it gets so much spam I have closed it. I certainly don’t appreciate this. BTW I found several websites exposing this scam and usually someone from their so-called “support team” turns up. Looks like one of the jobs of the support team is to search for critical reviews and try to limit the damage.
Thanks Paul, this is a great site.
I’m so glad I didn’t get taken by this scam. Thanks for your review. Your video was a real eye opener for me.
I have received an email from Karen Woodhead from Clicksure that my subscription is cancelled and that I would be refundeded the $19.97 within 3-7 days. This means that the charge of $9.95 every month will not be automatically deducted from my card. I will update this site after the payment is refunded. My
BILLING #ZKR-458-57990]: RE: Receipt for Order #14989121
Hello Venus.
Yes, we automatically cancel all subscriptions when we issue the refunds. If you have any more questions you can always email us on [email protected] or [email protected].
Paul Wilson
Online Income Solution Customer Support.
Wow….. the reviews did opened my eyes for sure. Thanks to Paul that had place on so much effort in creating the awareness for e-consumers….. I had gone through OIS web in a glance, and yerp, the web layouts, images, colours really were an “eye-catcher”… Before proceeding further, thank God i was lucky enough to go through this review. Im a Malaysian and staying in Malaysia, looking forward to explore more online business opportunities but most of the business are based in US and it is a risk for me to simply work online. Im aware that ive to equipped myself with knowledge before deciding to further proceed. Therefore, hope anyone here, or Paul yourslef could reccomend me any online site that works for Southeast Asian countries. Many thanks with regards, -FAZZ
Fazz, can you explain what you mean by, “it is a risk for me to simply work online”?
hi paul.. bad for me , i already signed up in OIS yesterday. then , after reading your article, i realized i get scammed too coz in their just first step build a website, from there through home website builder , i never started to log in, there page always give an error page, they given me almost 3 reset password but all of it never been a successful in logging in, until now. they said they already reset my details but why do i still encounter the same problem!
so immediately i requested for a refund to ois,i emailed them already. still am waiting for there immediate response.. im from the Philippines so its really difficult for me to contact them via phone. . hopefully OIS is hearing…
im worried for my account..
my receipt for order #: 161913081
my billing # KWA-503-83721
please someone in OIS give me an update about my refund request.. badly waiting in here..
Keep us posted, Marose
Hello Marose Geron,
I can confirm that the refund has already been processed. This was only processed yesterday (25th October) so please allow 3 to 7 working days for this to be actioned. You would of received an email confirming the refund. If you have not received the email, please check your junk folder.
If you have any more questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Many Thanks,
Paul Wilson.
Hi Paul,
I read your article and it is very informative, thank you. I’m from Egypt, do you have any online making money recommendations for me that is legit?
Thank you,
Still working on figuring out Egypt. The main problem there has to do with payment methods. You have MoneyBookers, but not the much more popular PayPal. Can you post a list of questions? I have a friend in Egypt I’ve been talking to about this.
hello Paul Schiegel, thanks for the brilliant research that you have done to help us. I am in deep financial troubles right now and you just saved me my hard earned savings. I am very thankful to you for that. But well, my bigger concern right now is to earn some money part time to help me through college as well as support my family. We’ve had some crisis in the family a while back and ever since we’ve been struggling to make ends meet, and you see the responsibility lies on me now to take care of them and i am very much in need of some home based online job that i can do while studying and earn some decent income to help them.
Paul if you can suggest me some legitimate, actually working and paying platforms then i will be highly grateful.
Thank You
Thanks, Ron
Here are a few pages you might want to take a look at:
Real Money Making Ideas. That page is broken into the following sections:
Work At Home Scam Educational Resources
Business oriented
Freelance And Telecommuting (Home Job) Oriented
I’d also take a look at this page:
The demand for all levels of writers remains enormous.
This page has mostly one-off type of ideas:
Ways To Make Extra Money
Hello Mr.Paul Wilson (OIS), I received an email from Karen Woodhead of ClickSure Customer Support on the 18th of Oct that my refund will be processed in 3 to 7 days. My bank confirms that they have not received the refund yet. Please confirm status of my refund at the earliest. BILLING #LXF-956-10418.
Hello Venus D’Souza.
Today (27th October) is the 7th working day from the 18th. Hopefully you will receive your money back by end of business today. If you don’t receive the money back, please email us directly and contact your card issuer.
Many thanks,
Paul Wilson.
I am writing because I put Niche Blitzkrieg in my bookmark page in ’09. Which is also the last time you promoted this program. I am wondering if that is still the case, and if it is still a good program for a newbie to start out?
Hi, Nancy. Yes it is. There’s a new video you may want to watch here:
Niche Blitzkrieg video
Hi Paul
Thank you for your reveiw, I so nearly bought into OIS this morning. What made me hesitate is that I will only make international payments via PayPal, all looked good at first as the paypal logo was reflected with all the usual logos, but when it came to the actual payment page, the only options were debit or credit card. I decided to do a Google search and found your page.
Every single link on the OIS website takes you through to the same signup page. There are no telephone numbers or addresses on the site. We received this e-mail from a friend this morning with the link, I have not been able to get hold of her but I bet that her e-mail has been hacked.
“Subject: try it out for yourself…
I was starting to lose myself this caught my attention now I am recognized all over the place just think of all the possibilities
c ya”
Thanks again Paul!
You’re welcome, Amelia. I have no doubt that your friend’s email was hacked.
Wonderful review! Thanks for posting.
hey man why dont we look for the one who is appreciating while working with OIS so that we can approach to some meaningful decision that say YES or No to something… i was to register with this OIS but then started searching the reviews and found it but still things are confused for you people you dont have a certain conclusion about it… so please give us the final words.
i found them via this. and immediately assumed it was a new item. AND the responses posted down below seemed legitimate too :o
it was very interesting and informative going thru this entire comment stream, responses, counter-responses here on your blog.
i’ll be wary of ‘as seen as’ in the future.
please if you don’t want to loose your money,time and hard work please don’t go for online income solution.
I used it,that is why am telling you guys not to go for it, those who are new to this will definitely be tricked.
1. both online income solution and home website builder are same but you have to pay for both
2.then they will say u need the help of search engine engine submitter’s to increase traffic, which never helps you,there also u simply pay money.
3.i tried hardly with this thing for one month…..” NO RESULT”.
(there are still more reasons not to go for this).
every possible way they suggest cause you money….”LOT OF MONEY”
i was new to this and i fall for it,even i searched for reviews but like afhan says no one given correct review.some said kind of working because i have not hard worked,it is posible if you are dedicated blah blah like that….
about refund,i got refund from HWB but from OIS and search engine submitter still i didn’t receive money,hope i will get it soon.
so a BIG NO,still u want to go for it no problem,give yourself a try and experience it yourself.
once more i am saying a BIG NO ,don’t go for it,i am trying to help you…..
the link some one posted above will direct you to online income solution, don’t go for it.
( think the website itself is created by OIS guy’s because when you click home button it will direct u straight to OIS site……
This is another affiliate created website to attract customers to our products. We have only just been made aware of this website and will continue to push to get this closed down. It wasn’t created by us.
We will continue to monitor the situation.
Many Thanks,
Paul Wilson.
There’s another site you may want to know about at:
http:// pakistaninewsweekly .com/finance/
(You’ll need to remove the spaces after the http:// and before the .com
These guys can turn things and tides to opposite directions. I doubt the veracity of these offers especially as they get Credit cards involved. The only way to justify their claim is to get testimonies from people who have made it with them . This could give one a balance judgement on their case. If not they are not only bastardous but also binladous. If they are truthful and trustworthy let them prove their case with palpable evidences.
Hi Paul, I want to thankyou for your honest review and your blog
to give all of us a chance to exercise our integrity based amultiple sides of the story. Well done and keep up the good humanitarian work! Wondering if I can ask if you have reviewed earnheaps?
I haven’t. I’ll see if I can find out anything about it.
received my refund from Online income solution and home website builder
refund from search engine submitter is on process.
thank god..
Thanks for letting us know, vinayak.
Bravo. Your Research is splendid. Many people lost money in this ponzi kind of company. SpeakAsia is another Fraud co. operating from India.
Best Wishes for continuing Good work. Bless you
Online income solutions.
I receeived the link to this via email, from a friend! “I did it” She did not send it!
I put my details in, but thought twice when it came to entering credit card details.. I did not proceed thank goodness.
I Got 2 telephone from USA, Az, trying to sell the product the following day. The man kept asking for my credit card number to take the $1.95 saying I could try for 5 days free. This rang bells with me, so I questioned further to find out it cost $19.95 a month hosting fees. He said I woild be selling things for, and be taking a percentage of all things sold on my own personal website. He mentioned Google as the largest search where it would be found!
Any one who asks for your credit card when you have no clue who it is or what you are paying for, is very suspect to me. He was extremely persistant, so in the end I had to hang up.!
He rang straight back and I rejected the call.
Luckily I parted with no money, or credit card details, and searched this tonight.
I do feel for the people who have had to go through all this, and others searching for reviews, beware this company!
Hello Paul,
Thank you for your reviews. I came across OIS via this link which popped up on my screen (I added some spaces intentionally)
http:// /finance/
If you click HOME it takes you straight to OIS site
I usually research things before doing anything and your blog is brilliant!
Thx for leaving the spaces. :-)
Btw, a few people from Kenya have told me they thought ideas from this page
would work for them:
Make Money Writing For The Web. I’ve been reading about ways to withdraw PayPal funds in Kenya, but don’t want to post about it until I’m sure they’re correct. If you already know how to do it, please let me know.
Just to add. In fact if you click anywhere (hyperlinked) on this page you will get to OIS. All roads lead to Rome as they used to say!
Hi Paul,
Thank you very much for the advice in this blog, I had just received an email link from a friend(whose account I later found out had been highjacked).
I was just about to sign up with OIS for the sum of $99 when I read your blog.
please, i want you to tell me why are there no programe that NIGERIANS can also take part in?
i mean online money making prograames. i tried the one you recomended here but i found out that nigerians can not participate. please if you know of any legitimate programes foe nigerians let me into it
is there any other online money making solution !!!!
hi , im really glad i stumbled upon this page because i was about to sign up with online income solution too.their customer support sucks!i wasn’t getting through with the sign up because i kept getting prompted for a zip code but im from the Caribbean.we don’t have zip codes.the entire sign up form was in Spanish and every time i emailed these ppl they sent responses without actually answering me..i grew extremely frustrated because i really wanted to try this out .i mean..who doesn’t want extra $$..but as im reading all this here i realized that it isn’t for me..the false claims,the shady replies,and they never said what a person does for them once signed thank you!
Hello Everyone, My name is Leah Richmond and I work for the customer support team at Online Income Solution.
I can advise that if your country of residence does not have zip codes then this is beyond our power, there is nothing we are able to do in this situation. I can confirm that if you contacted us through email and let us know that you was unable to view the product in English then we would have been able to give you the link in order to view the program in English. We provide all of our customers with assistance and support if they require it once they have purchased our products and even when signing up with the program.
People all over the world including Nigeria are able to use Online Income Solution, unfortunately Clickbank, the worlds largest digital marketplace do not allow transactions from Nigeria. This is the digital market place we use and we are currently developing our program in order for you to be able to use other digital market places such as ‘MoreNiche’ and ‘Amazon Affiliates’.
If you do have any questions regarding our program and its features or if you are an existing member and have questions please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected] or via live chat which you can access on the members area.
Many Thanks,
Leah Richmond
I want to know which type of work it is?
Hello Samta,
I can confirm that our program is an Online guide on how to create a successful affiliate website.
If you do have any further questions please contact customer support on:
[email protected]
Regards, Leah Richmond.
Hi Paul,
I read your article and it is very informative, thank you. I’m from Egypt, do you have any online making money recommendations for me that is legit?
Thank you,
Hi Paul,
I read your article and it is very informative, thank you. I’m from India, do you have any online making money recommendations for me that is legit?
Thank you,
Varun Kejriwal
It says your from both Egypt and India?
Where’s John? ;)
Thanks for your efforts Paul, you saved me some cash.. good thing I did my research!
helo paul I’m Alice from Philippines, its so sad to say that I already sign up in Online Income Solution before I read your blog is there a chance that my money will be back. There advertise is so tempting that i grab it.Please advise me on what to do.I’ll wait for your reply.Thank you so much
Did you already contact their support?
Hello Alice,
I am sorry to hear that you wish to cancel your subscription from our program.
I can advise that if you do wish to obtain a refund and cancel your subscription, could you please send and email to our customer support team. They will then look into this for you.
You are able to contact our customer support team at [email protected]
Many Thanks,
Leah Richmond.
Customer Support Team.
Hi I want to know that Can I share with online income solution from iran?
Hi I guess i’m just another one who got caught in this also.
Thanks Paul, for keeping us vulnerable people updated.
All I’m asking for is a refund of my money and to have my account cancelled. I recently purchased this program after giving it some thought on Monday, December 19, 2011. After being successfully logged in, I realized this is not the sought of program I wanna get involved in. I immediately sent an email throught their customer support link asking for my refund, but up till today I am yet to get any response. Therefore, I would like to take this opportuniity on your site to put forward a request for my refund and also to cancel my membership with their program. Below is my account information, and I look forward to hearing from one their team members as soon as possible as a result of not being able to obtain a direct contact number for the company.
Your ClickSure Order #: 194238181
You Ordered: Online Income Solution – New Limited Offer!
Total Payment:$19.97
Rebill Terms:5 days then $9.99 every 30 days
Thank you once again Paul.
You’re welcome, Casilda.
Let me know here if you have any problem getting your refund. If you do, you’ll need to file a dispute with your credit card company or bank.
Hi Paul
Here I am again, yet to get a refund, and what surprises me most is that on Dec 23 whilst going through my email I came across tow invoices which they billed me for $9.99. After I request a refund for the original payment I recieved an email from someone which I beleive his name was Matthew telling me to expect my refund between 5-7 business days and now they have charged me double payment for membership. I immediately proceeded and emailed them again on the 23rd, and also today, and still no response.
I will follow-up on your advice and take it from there.
Thank you and compliment of the season.
Thanks for keeping us posted, Casilda
Hi Paul
Its’ me again, I just have to report on a call which I received from this number 801-878-8330, registered under RIDGECREST CONS…, After contacting my bank and following up with the advise which you’d given me, I received a call from the number above.
The conversation started all well, until, I told the gentleman that I have sent in a request for membership cancellation with Online Income Solution and that I do not wish to have anything to do with them. He was so adamant over the phone as too why would I want to spend 160 hours a month in an office, when I can generate $3,000-$5,000/ month in selling products online.
I kept saying to him that I wasn’t interested and do not wish to be part of their scam, he was very adamant, unprofessional, and obnoxious over the phone and would not take my answer. Eventually, I had to hang up the phone on him.
In the words of anonymous person which I reviewed online “…It’s interesting to me that in a marketplace flooded with computer-savvy people anxious for extra income, .that… companies like this sought out people like you and me, who knows little about computers or retail business. Shouldn’t a responsible business be working with customers who are more likely to succeed, rather than actively seeking out people who are clearly more likely to fail? In fact, in this economic climate they shouldn’t have to be recruiting clients at all. People should be pounding down their doors for an “opportunity” like this”.
Food for thought for each and everyone of us who’ve become victims, and are vulnerable given our current financial situations. Please, I don’t wish to see anyone else becoming another victim, guard yourself and very little that you have.
Thanks, Casilda
Kind of ironic that they show up as RIDGECREST CONS.
Hi paul, thanks for your reviews. really I am really worried at first cause i cant sign the OIS cause they wont accept paypal. and then i read some reviews bout this OIS and found your blog. Thanks man.. you really did a good job.. hahaha. Im lucky i dont have the credit or debit account…. hahahahha
Thanks, Fatima
lol about the credit/debit statement. I think plenty of people would be safer online without those – especially credit card accounts.
Hi Paul, at the outset, please accept my gratitude and congratulations for the wonderful work you are doing in educating us about how vigilant we should be. Please continue the good work.
I noticed that you or the representative from OIS did not answer Usha’s questions. I want to know the answers as I too am from India. I am pasting them below again for your reference.
Hi Paul,
I am a citizen of India and I received this email from my friend to join online income solution. First I thought its just like day today emails which we receive to make quick money but when I read most of the reviews to join online income solution I have them very positive. I would like you to guide me if I can join online income solution being an Indian citizen and if I register myself will I have to provide my credit card details, etc. One more thing I would like to know that if I register myself in online income solution and when I ‘ll start making money, will the paycheck be delivered to my postal address or will it be credited to my account. Kindy brief me on this. Awiating your reply.
Thanks & Regards,
Also wanted to ask you about your opinion about Michael Brown’s ‘Making On line’ program and whether i can go for it.
Also wanted your opinion about “Genuine Income Streams” as well as “Income Elite” programs that have business models very similar to OIS. Robert Waas is the common factor in both “GIS” and”IE”, though the “Income Elite” program also has Steven Pierce.
Could you also let us know about the authenticity of “Global Success Club” of Vick & Steve, “Empower Network” and PP Marketing Commissions” of Kevin Fahey.
I know I am asking you a lot of questions at a time but request you to help me and the group following your wonderful work.
Thanks again
Online Income Solution needs to answer your question about their program. Michael Brown’s program can be done from India. You’ll see my information about Income Elite at the top of this write-up.
I’m not a fan of Global Success Club – mainly because it seems to be extremely overpriced. I don’t know the other two you’ve mentioned.
Thanks so much for your immediate response Paul. Could you please tell me about Genuine Income Streams and your findings on Robert Waas in particular.
Sorry could not locate your write up on Income Elite. Can you please repost it for my benefit.
Sounds like people are having trouble canceling Income Elite from the comments here, so that’s obviously a bad sign.
I don’t like what I see at Genuine Income Streams, especially for $27/month. Not only that, but you should avoid any site that uses a testimonial that mentions a specific income amount. I see one on their page that states:
I would hope that you would go back and read the blog post here several times – maybe even take notes. There is an incredible amount of useful information that I wrote up there. My goal isn’t to tell people what’s good or what’s bad – my goal is to help people LEARN how to make those decisions for themselves.
Thanks Paul again for your response and will surely look at the posts in more detail as per your recommendation. I have no doubt in my mind that they are extremely useful and will help me and the other readers to make informed decisions.
I take it from your recommendation that Michael Brown’s program is a genuine one that I can look at favourably.
Would request you to also review PPMarketing Commissions by Kevin Fahey and Empower Network if you are able to as I am getting a lot of promotional mails about them and I am sure there are others who must be getting them as well.
Thanks again for your effort. Really appreciate the service you are rendering to us.
Yes, I have no reservations recommending Michael Brown’s program. I will see what I can find out about the other program.
Hi Paul,
Like Casilda, I also want to cancel my subscription to Online Incoms Solutions. I’ve already sent 4 support tickets and all I’ve got was automated responses. I really really don’t want any future billings from this company. Would you happen to know any number which i can call? or what do you suggest I do? Please help. Thanks a lot.
Can you tell me what the charge is listed as as the amount of the charge? That sounds like it may be from the Income Elite program that Online Income Solution was referring people to. But if you can tell me how the charge shows up on your billing statement and how much the charge is for I should be able to figure it out for sure.
Hi again Paul,
Thank you so much for your time. This is the receipt I got after a few minutes of signing up, and honestly, I’m so blaming myself for not looking more into it before joining.
Your ClickSure Order #: 197927831
You Ordered: Online Income Solution – Limited Offer!
Product: $4.97
Taxes: $0.00
Total Payment: $4.97
Rebill Terms: 7 days then $9.99 every 30 days
I hope you can help me, and I’m already so grateful for everything that you’ve done for people like us. Thank you.
That sounds like the Income Elite program that Online Income Solution was referring people to. Did you already submit a billing ticket at Clicksure Help?. If you did and had no results within 2 business days, I would file a fraud dispute with your credit card company or bank (for debit card). Make sure you ask them if they can block all future billing as well.
The dispute procedures are usually on the back of your credit card billing statement. For a debit card, you’ll need to check with your bank for dispute procedures. If you are in the U.S., you can also find information at HelpWithMyBank.
Yes, I’ve already filed 5 tickets since Dec.27 and I’m still not getting anything from them but automated responses. I will call my bank and file for the dispute. I’ll give updates once i called them. Thank you very much Paul.Thank you.
Great. If they can’t block the future charges for some reason, you’ll need to cancel your card and have a new one issued.
Hi Paul,
I’ve already filed a transaction dispute claim to my bank. Get this, the url( they gave me in their welcome email is totally fake. you click it and you see a completely different site. A scam in every way. Will give updates when i hear from my bank,. Thanks again.
Wow, so there’s no way for people to even access their purchase. Thanks for the update, April.
hi Paul,
Cancelled my dispute claim to my bank. I finally got an answer for my tickets. They said they have cancelled and refunded my membership already and that they were sorry for not replying sooner. they said it was because of christmas vacation.. guess their company gives them longer vacation than most people do. anyway, when i cancelled my dispute claim, i also sent my bank a copy of the email that i got. just to make sure that i have proof for the cancellation. thanks so much paul.. thank you.
Great. So the last step is just to confirm that the funds are returned.
Hello all.
My name is Paul Wilson and I work for Online Income Solution.
I can confirm we are not scam, we have thousands of customers making money. However, if this program is not for you then please email us on [email protected] and we will happily assist you.
We offer a unique 60 day money back guarantee. So if you wish to receive a refund please email us and we will action that for you.
Kind regards,
Paul Wilson.
Did you read April’s situation. Do you have any idea why she might have been getting no response? Also, I’m confused about your role. Are you actually part of Online Income Solution or are you part of Click2Reply – or are both of those owned by the same company?
Hello Paul,
I have read April’s situation and we ensure that all of our emails are answered. I will look into a reason to why she will not have been replied to but I can ensure that we do answer all of our emails from our customers.
Myself and Paul are employee’s of Click2Reply and we provide the support for Online Income Solution.
Please be advised that any queries must be sent to the relevant departments, you are able to contact us at [email protected]
Kind regards,
Leah Richmond
Customer Support Team
i know before this is a scam site.
The only genuine online earning website is very few.
Hello Anil,
My name is Paul Wilson and I work for Online Income Solution.
This is not a scam. We do have thousands of people around the world who have put in the effort to make this program work.
The program is based on a money making method called Affiliate Marketing. We teach you how to create a website and how to promote digital and physical products for profit. Every time you make a sale, you will be awarded a commission.
If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact us.
Paul Wilson
Well, in short, you may deal with Online only if you understand it is a highly risky project plus lots of a real lie about so-called FREE services – primitive website that doesnot cost a penny, hidden prices and other consequences are appearing like ghosts with every new step you do..
Hi Paul Scheigel, I came across to your article regarding onlineincome solution after being reprimanded by my father by expressing my intentions in investing in onlineincome solution, he told me that I have to do a thorough research before committing anything rash and regrettable in which I’m glad that I did my little research on them a few hours ago, reading reviews or more like complains from conned victims in reviewopedia & your redflags. They are very helpful and it did makes me understand how these things work, at least I won’t get cheated, hopefully; in the future.
Just one questions: may I post the url to reviewopedia for future (hoepfully no more) con victims references?
You can post the link. I doubt Reviewopedia will allow you to post a link back to this site as well, but you can try.
I keep getting emails with the links to online income solutions from a person who did actually scammed me around 4 years ago.That wasnt an online business, but a “financial company”. After I “invested” £7000 , the company and the person i was dealing with pretty quick dissapeared. Never got a penny back. so was very shocked when I received an email from that person. Decided to have a look what scam they are currently up to, and ended up here……. tried to reply to the emails, but no reply back.
PPL THIS IS A SCAM, dont get fooled as I did.
Hello Maria,
I am sorry to hear about your past experiences with internet based companies. Just to clarify that we have nothing to do with that financial company who conned 4 years ago. We do, however, have thousands of affiliates promoting Online Income Solution around the world. So our affiliates are sending the emails you are receiving.
If you have any questions regarding the Online Income Solution system, please contact us and we will happily assist you.
Paul Wilson
Hi Paul your review was so informative but too late for me i already sign up to OnlineIncomeSolution last January 27,2012. I tried to enter the community to accomplish the first step but I was ask to purchased the domain site which cost $0 for 30 days. for another thirty days it will cost $9. So I tried but when i got the receipt from the clicksurepayments i have read the word Re bill $9 after 30 days. I thought after 30 days its up to me if ill purchase the $9 for the next month. So I immediately contacted the customer support for homewebsitebulder to cancel my order because I refused to re billed. Within 24 hours they responded to me and told me that my subscription has been canceled. How will I make sure that my subscription has been canceled? Besides I want my money to be refund and cancel my account. This job doesn’t fit me because you have to pay for the domain site i thought after paying $19.97 all are free and no more payments to be paid. I’ll keep you posted Paul.
I don’t think you’ll have a problem with the cancellation. But to make sure you just need to watch your credit card statement. Paying for hosting and a domain is normal, btw, but the fact that there will be additional fees to start the business should be spelled out up front.
My main concern with Online Income Solution has always been the “free coaching” offered.
It sounds like you are looking for telecommuting work – and not a home business. You can check out this page for that:
Work At Home Jobs
So this is the update. so they have replied in 3 to 7 business days but I receive a refund receipt from clicksure payment with my personal info but wrong order number and and wrong invoice number!!! What is going on are they trying to fool me? are they scam? I replied the clicksure payments to their support that the invoice number was wrong. I also send a message to [email protected] that the clicksure payments has sent a wrong refund receipt in fact i forwarded the wrong receipt to OIS.
I’ll keep you posted Paul right now I’m worried. I also ask for a refund receipt to website home builder just to make sure.
Hi there Paul I said I’ll keep you posted I already send a message that contains a refund and cancellation of my account an automatic response has been sent to my email confirming that they have been receive the ticket for contacting them. thanks.
what do you think about JustBeenPaid!.com is it a scam or not
i just found it when browsing the net it is real stock they sell or not ? because your good at finding the truth than i’m
It’s a scam. You can find some great research about it at Patrick Pretty’s writings about JustBeenPaid/Jss Tripler along with some alarming information about the people who seem to be behind it.
So this is the update. so they have replied in 3 to 7 business days but I receive a refund receipt from clicksure payment with my personal info but wrong order number and and wrong invoice number!!! What is going on are they trying to fool me? are they scam? I replied the clicksure payments to their support that the invoice number was wrong. I also send a message to [email protected] that the clicksure payments has sent a wrong refund receipt in fact i forwarded the wrong receipt to OIS.
Wow. Well Clicksure is a 3rd party payment processure so that sounds like they are just completely disorganized. That really sucks.
At this point I would talk to your credit card company or bank and file a dispute to try to get your money back and tell them the effort you went to. You can also point out some of the red flags I’ve noted here.
Make sure you ask them if they have a way to block further payments. But at the same time, you will also need to write BACK to ClickSure support and tell them they appear to have cancelled the wrong account and note the incorrect invoice number.
Yes Paul yesterday I forwarded the message from clicksure payments to their support and also to OIS noting the wrong invoice number with a correct personal information that was so alarming. Now they have send me a message confirming that the refund would take up to 3-7 days. They didn’t reacted with the issue. Now I’ll wait until March 5, 2012. I will confirmed it to the bank if there has been a refund from OIS and a return receipt for the cancellation of service of Home website builder just to make sure I may not be charged of $9.95 monthly. So Paul in case they didn’t refund the money and in case they still charged me monthly what is the best way to do?? Thanks Paul
thanx for sharing.
many scammers should be easy detected by their hyperbola language.
yes I learn a lesson. there will be no nest time for this. Anyways can anyone advise me here on what to do if they didnt refund the order and cancelled the monthly rebilling. Should I report to FTC. Is it ok Im from Philippines.
Hello Katherine.
If you haven’t received your refund you can contact us via email ([email protected]), plus you will need to contact your card issuer.
We will then reply to your email with all the information we have regarding your refund.
Kind regards,
Paul Wilson.
Ok sir Paul Wilson there are some concerns here I want to clarify why is that the clicksure Order is different from the refund receipt you have been sent to me. I mean is this normal the purchasing receipt has an Clicksure order number of 214101851 but the refund receipt has a different invoice number. Is this the way you refund it has a different invoice number?I am just confuse and additional question to how can I be so sure that you have been terminated the purchase to home website builder. Anyway Ill take your advise to confirmed it to the card issuer. Please answer the questions thank you Sir.
Hello Katherine,
The reason for this is because the ClickSure order and the refund are separate transactions. We do this so that every single transaction has a unique number. This is standard procedure.
Hopefully, your refund issue has been resolved?
If not, please contact us and we will continue to investigate it for you.
Paul Wilson.
I must thank you for writing this up. I was just a click away from signing up for the OIS but my intuition told me to research it and i came upon your page here.
Thank you so much for your hard work and the lesson you impart in me: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
May God bless you always.
E.S. xx
You’re welcome.
I have never attempted anything like this before, so before anything I want to know if this works in Seychelles.
Hello Jeanluc.
I can confirm that this is accessible from the Seychelles.
Everything is based online and you will be given access to our members area in Online Income Solution.
If you have any questions, you can also contact us back.
Paul Wilson.
Hello Jeanluc,
I can confirm that this program is available in the Seychelles.
All the information is on our members area of Online Income Solution. So you can access everything you need via the internet.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Paul Wilson.
I nearly signed up for OIS was so glad that I found this website!? Thanks for all the review.
I’m from Malaysia , is there any reliable site that can we can make money online?
For freelance work, you could try oDesk. If you are looking for inexpensive training with extensive support, then you might want to take a look at the program mentioned in This video
What is odesk about? Is it similar to scams like OIS?
No, oDesk is used by a huge number of companies to hire workers based on whatever skillsets they have. I’ve hired people from there as have many other people I know.
It also uses a fake news website
It has only one news. And to add a comment it needs a approval.
Hello Prakash,
I can confirm that the website you posted was created by an affiliate. We are working on removing these websites by rogue affiliates as soon as possible and I have informed our technical team who will look into this further.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us back.
Seems like is difficult to find online jobs… I’m trying odesk .. They have thousands of applicants..
Hello Paul,
Please help me to find out about genuine online money making platforms available to Nigerian. I am not interested in any “get rich quick stuff”. Just a legitimate online revenue generation.
there is no “get rich quick stuff” in this cyber worlds only gain little by little on honest works and save your money dont spend money in stuff you dont need most or you can give some of your money to someone who need it and allah will multiply it.
thanks paul about the info, and can you borrow me $10.000 ??? hey paul is this site a scam or not
It’s a scam. If you are trying to find translator work, I would join TranslatorsCafe (the free option).
thanks for the tips
paul do you know any freelance job web , that i can do at home. and i dont care if they pay me low , ijust need a freelance job. thanks again!
One of the biggest ones is ODesk.
please help me how to get my money back at…
until now, i can’t figure out how am i supposed to earn money from the program.thanks!
I’m not sure which country you’re in. In the U.S., a person would typically file a dispute with their credit card company or bank.
Hello Layce.
I am sorry to hear that you are wanting a refund for your Home Income Package program. We offer a unique 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Which is not matched by any other BizOp companies on the market today. Therefore, if you are wanting a refund, please feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will happily assist you. You can make the email out for my attention if you wish (Paul Wilson). I will respond as soon as possible.
Paul, as we offer a 60 day money back guarantee, there is no need for customers to contact their card issuer’s to dispute charges. This is unnecessary as we provide all customers with a refund.
Kindest regards,
Paul Wilson.
I always tell them to try to work it out with the company first. But I have people posting that they can’t get their money back even when they try to work it out. In that case, they’re only recourse is to file a dispute.
Also, when are you going to remove the conditional guarantee from your sites. It’s one thing to keep coming around posting on comment boards that there’s a 60 day moneyback guarantee – so why is there STILL a conditional guarantee clause in the terms?
Where does company tell people how to get their refund? I’m trying to figure out why I get so many people posting that they don’t know how to get a refund – like Kryssa posting here:
Also, why do find it necessary to lie about your “unmatched guarantee”? I’m sure you know that every single product run through the ClickBank marketplace has that same guarantee.
Hello Paul.
I can’t understand why customers are struggling to get their money back. All they need to do is email us, if they are still within the 60 days, we’ll refund them their money. Even though there is the 3 conditions in the terms and conditions, these are not often upheld. We always try and find out WHY the customer wants a refund. However, if the customer wants a refund, we will refund them.
We have a refund terms page – which states everything.
OK. I posted your info on the other comment section, too.
Paul Just a real quick question are the programs created by Anthoney Morrison for real.
I STRONGLY recommend you stay away from anything by Anthony Morrison. If you want to see why, read the following:
@Paul, wow, I actually spent 2 hours reading back and forth your website. Great job for doing this! I got this pop up about and out of curiosity I googled the legitimacy of this site, as it turns out..its a scam! lol…
I always believe that to earn a good amount of money online certain skills are required by online companies and not as simple as pay-per-clicks or whatever….and it should not be offered jobs as if it was the “last” option in the planet asking you to QUICKLY sign up because of limited slots. That alone is a red flag.
If I may suggest to those looking for money online, you can try odesk, elance, and see what skill sets match job openings. I tried it, and I’m doing well. It’s not a whooping $5000 as what these scam websites promises, but its decent enough to get me out of my day job. ;-)
Good advice, Rica. I’ve meaning to add those to this page:
ASS H_OLE PAUL you are Biggest LOSER your makng ppl fool All onine sites are fraud even this too,ur mum must be raped by Dog
Well, you certainly sound like a reasonable person. ;-)
PAULASSHOLE Your mum is being raped by animals n her live telecast is shown is in news channels witout uncensored videos go n see save your mum Paul otherwise new animal looking girl like u she’ll give birth like you have animal genes and guniess will come to ya mum to write her name for giving birth to human with animal genes hahaha ur a FRAUD ASSHOLE SHEMALE GO GET A LIFE
Human’s actually are animals, you know?
heyyy admin..
i want too knw about some things kindlyy reply mee..
can we work from pakistan??
what includes in kit??
and when order this kit in how many time we are able too get this kit??
Hello Amir,
If you have any questions regarding the Online Income Solution program, you will need to email our support team at [email protected].
Kind Regards,
Paul Wilson
OIS Support.
hey thanks for saving me from this shit.
Hi Paul,
Hats off to you for the awareness program you have been doing for the e-consumers & helping your bit in preventing online fraud schemes.
However, i would like to have information on GENUINE work from home opportunities.
Could you please assist me on this ?
You might want to take a look at this:
I wanted to ask that all this fake or really so as mentioned I mean online income is fake or really has no damage as we provide them our card no and import personal information
Many thanks sharing your thoughts. I appreciate the time you spent looking closely into this matter. I forgot how I was led to the this article: I read it anyway. It looked too good to be true so my initial response was to check out complaints online, thinking that this is a scam until I came across your blog and discovered really great observations. It\’s interesting how I was able to spot \”red flags\” on the site because you made me aware of it.
1. So the site appears like it features news articles. I was about to check out other articles until I found out that all the links just lead to one url. Even that \’WEATHER\’ link.
2. Disclaimer of Online Income Solution at the bottom of the \”news feature.\” Just… why?
3. They also used logos of reliable local news sources: Manila Times and The Philippines Star which when clicked, leads to the same url.
4. Oh wait, the disclaimer explains it. In short, saying, \”Don\’t believe what I say here.\” @_@\”It is important to note that this site and the comments/answers depicted above is to be used as an illustrative example of what some individuals have achieved with this/these products. This website, and any page on the website, is based loosely off a true story, but has been modified in multiple ways including, but not limited to: the story, the photos, and the comments. Thus, this page, and any page on this website, are not to be taken literally or as a non-fiction story. This page, and the results mentioned on this page, although achievable for some, are not to be construed as the results that you may achieve on the same routine. I UNDERSTAND THIS WEBSITE IS ONLY ILLUSTRATIVE OF WHAT MIGHT BE ACHIEVABLE FROM USING THIS/THESE PRODUCTS, AND THAT THE STORY/COMMENTS DEPICTED ABOVE IS NOT TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY. This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.THE STORY DEPICTED ON THIS SITE AND THE PERSON DEPICTED IN THE STORY ARE NOT REAL. RATHER, THIS STORY IS BASED ON THE RESULTS THAT SOME PEOPLE WHO HAVE USED THESE PRODUCTS HAVE ACHIEVED. THE RESULTS PORTRAYED IN THE STORY AND IN THE COMMENTS ARE ILLUSTRATIVE, AND MAY NOT BE THE RESULTS THAT YOU ACHIEVE WITH THESE PRODUCTS. THIS PAGE RECEIVES COMPENSATION FOR CLICKS ON OR PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS FEATURED ON THIS SITE.\”
hmmm. have u guys actually tried out the whole package at online income solution to see where it ends? I am asking this because i have tried it with all the ebooks training guide downloaded from there, i actually make some money everyday from the knowledge they passed in their guides. I don’t actually make $379 per day as promised but $115 a day is cool to me. And maybe thats because i spend less time with it. i still have a problem with my tax payer id on clickbank though but they instructed me on how to solve that. they really gave great ideas on how i could market online. was really helpful.
I saw all the fake logos at first before ordering for the package. But i just ignored them. I think online income solutions are just trying to advertise themselves with fake logos that dont even have a link. The facebook like button is fake too.ha. but i ignored all that and ordered because i was so eager to start making money online. After all $19 was what i could easily afford to risk.. The whole income solution idea actually works. ill recommend you people to test it to the end before complaining.
Your IP says you’re posting from Nigeria. Doesn’t ClickBank still have a ban on Nigerian transactions?
This sounds suspiciously like a shill post.
If not, and anybody DOES take his advice, make sure you are on guard for sales calls involving expensive coaching – and make sure you have an Attorney review the contract before signing it, whether digitally or physically.
If you can’t afford an attorney to review the contract you can’t afford to pay for coaching.
yeah im Nigerian and clickmank still truly have a ban on Nigerian transactions. But the customer support guided me to a way to still use a clickbank account from home. they said the only way i could operate with clickbank is to have a foreign account. If you don’t have anyone with a foreign address, You will need to make use of a service company called Graph Card. They will offer you a virtual address, US telephone number and ability to use VISA card. By ‘virtual address’, I mean a specific and personalized US address. This you won’t get for free anyway. It will cost you less than $5 monthly to keep using their services. By ‘ability to use VISA card’, I mean you can also receive foreign checks without having a Domiciliary account. I have been involved with them since 2008. but unfortunately many Nigerians dont know about it
So the first thing you need to do know is to open a Graph Card account and register with them as a Nigerian. Registration is FREE. You either choose a personal or reseller account. rel=”nofollow”>Graph Card offers different services such as Virtual Office. With this, you will be given a virtual address. This is the address that you will require to open your ClickBank account.
To get the virtual address, you will need to fund your Graph Card account using Virtual Terminal Network. Virtual Terminal Network (VTN) is an online payment processor for Nigerians. With VTN, you successfully pay for products and services locally.
Once your Graph Card account is funded in less than 10 seconds you will have your own virtual address created instantly just for you. After which you should go to ClickBank to register and sign up with the virtual address.
When opening a ClickBank account you should note that they asks for payee name. In the payee name box, put is: LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC as it is stated in the virtual address given to you. Use the virtual address that Graph Card gave to you as the place you want your check to be sent to. On the other part of the form, you can put in your real name. Once you do this simple step above, in less than 8 minutes you will be able to open your own ClickBank account right here in Nigeria without any problem.
You can use this address to register with the various affiliate network you work with. Once your payment is ready, your cheque will be mailed to Graphcard (LFR Communications, Inc.) who will then help you clear it and credit your account graphcard accordingly
You can either request for a bank wire if you have a domiciliary account. I recommend Guaranty Trust Bank, or request for a western union money transfer to be collected at any designated bank, or request fund to be paid back into your VTN account which you can easily cash in your local bank account.
To do any of these, log on to your graphcard account, and click on “Withdraw Funds” on top of the page, choose the option that best suits your need, follow the rest of the instructions to get your money.
Please Note:I am an affiliate of Graphcard and VTN. Any support you need can be directed to me but you will get better help by directing your questions to the support on graphcard and vtn.
Interesting. So ClickBank customer support actually helped you with that? I was reading up on Graph Card before you posted this.
hi paul please help me in getting my money back please i just joined a day before but this thing doesn’t work for me.please help me in refunding my money
Did you just buy the initial product? If so, you can start by contacting the company as they described in
this comment:
If you don’t get your refund within 2 – 3 business days then I would suggest you file a dispute. If you paid with a credit card the dispute procedures are usually on the back of your billing statement. If you paid with a debit card then you’ll need to talk to your bank.
hi paul please help me in getting my money back please i just joined a day before but this thing doesn’t work for me.please help me in refunding my money
Hi Paul ,
I am a student from Pakistan. I usually visit an educational website called to get help for my English. The other day I noticed an advert on the site boosting about making money from home. Curious, I clicked on it. Reading their promises and customer comments I almost fell for getting a subscription. I bookmarked the page to surely do it the next day. Now, as I went to close the Income page, a pop up showed up that there was a discount on continuing to stay on the page so I stayed for a while (the subscription charge had come come down from $24.97 to $9.XY). After sometime I again tried to close the page now the pop up was that to stay on the page and getting the subscription would now cost $4.xy . I found it amazing the way they were giving the discounts not a green-grocer would offer. It struck me to be a hoax.Then before I gave all my details, I thought to read an Internet review of this home income package. I made an Internet search into the matter and found your review. Now I’m laughing my head off for nearly falling for a hoax.
It is imperative though that an end must be put to such alluring adverts on educational sites where mainly students are visiting and who become an easy prey to these home income idiocies. I would ask you to look into the matter and file up a sue against that particular company instantly.
The website is!
I don’t know why it got removed from my original post.
Hello Paul I Just Want To Refund My Money From Online Income Solutions.
Which Things Do I Need For Claiming My Refund Please Help Me!!
You can find that information within the comments.
hi paul, thanks for the good info. what do you think about the “work at home university” and “paid surveys & more” programs? is it for real?
You can see my warning about Work At Home University here. I don’t recommend paid survey sites – but if you DO want to try them, you can get everything you need for free at
That link shows one of the most annoying “reviews” for that site.
I don’t know what to believe in actually, although I am sure that we fell for the OIS “grooming”. Good thing we got our credit card to renew the security stuff and all that.
My mom and I still decided to give the program a 2 week try after all the security things have been done, just to make sure if it really works (although we’re very sure its not. but the tutorials’ already there, so what can we do?)
Still, I’m very miffed about what happened. mom says to just treat it like a lesson for us.
Like most others, we fell for OIS because it promised good money, especially now that our family is not in a good financial state.
Still, my mom and I are hoping that there’s still an actual online site job that can help ease our money problem even for a bit.
And thanks for this red flag warnings!
Hi Paul, pls tell me any genuine company dealing in online jobs, as i am keen to start it but due to the scam companies its hard to find. hope you will like to answer.
I would take a look at this page:
I received this link from my husband thinking he was encouraging me. I looked it up,and after finding nothing negative about it, asked him what he thought. He had never sent it to me and told me not to buy into it ($97). I did further research asap when he told me he had not even a history of the message in his sent box. This worried me. That’s when I found this blog/website. It’s a terrible thing what hackers are capable of doing or what companies are willing to do to sell their crappy job opportunities. I hope this helps since this seems to be the most recent name change of the same people all of you have been referring to. Thanks for your willingness to do hard research for those of us who don’t really know any better.
I forgot to attach the link…I put it in the website box below my email. I’m guessing you were wanting our personal website if we had one…clueless. ;)
That’s helpful and pretty wild. It’s actually a fake version of a fake news site that promotes a fake version of a scam. If that sounds confusing, that’s because it is. I’m going to have to check into this more.