IMPORTANT: One thing this post is showing that the site DataMoneyOnline site is using images of models from photos from iStockPhoto and putting DIFFERENT names to the images of those models. You should NOT assume that the models agreed to have their images used in the this way. In fact, the probably DID NOT.
That ALSO means that the names shown for the images of the models in THIS post are NOT the true names of the models in the images. I am simply pointing out what the DataMoneyOnline site has done.

"Felix Rodriguez" - a.k.a. iStock Photo 000006808979
“Felix Rodriguez” – a.k.a. iStockPhoto 000006808979 loves DataMoneyOnline so much that he wants to MARRY it!
Testimonial roundup at DataMoneyOnline
- “Felix Rodriguez” – currently married to (happily I presume)
- “Linda Liu” who tells us that she was “ready not to believe”
- “Dorothy Gale” who requested not to be quoted (I guess not even fictitious characters have rights these days, since DataMoneyOnline quoted her anyhow)
- “Alexa Nichols” who asks the quite foreboding question, “Now who’s an idiot, huh?”
- “Livvy Feldman” who threw away her entire career as a web designer after stumbling across the website.
- And…”Stu T. James” – his buddies call him “Stu”. Actually I don’t know what his buddies call him since his name probably isn’t “Stu T. James”, but if it was “Stu T. James” they’d probably call him “Stu”.
Was the “Gene Truman” photo stolen?
I couldn’t find the photo of founder “Gene Truman” on any stock photo sites, but the photo itself looks oddly familiar…I think it may be the photo of a member of a well-known marketing forum, but I haven’t been able to pinpoint it yet. However, as you’ll see later, if that IS the case the most likely explanation is that the photo was stolen.
What about video testimonials at DataMoneyOnline?
I know what you’re thinking. Surely those video testimonials at DataMoneyOnline must be real, right? Right?
Video Testimonial Project on Elance
Pay close attention to the Job Description – especially the following part:
“I will give you a script you will have to memorize and speak out on a simple web cam.”
NOTE: I have no proof that this is what DataMoneyOnline did, but apparently it is something that is done. Remember I found THREE such projects just quickly searching ONE freelance marketplace.
But fair is fair, right? After all DataMoneyOnline PROMISES not to charge you until you make money according to their Terms (sort of, anyhow):
“ is a unique program which guarantees that its members will make money within 24 hours of completion of the step-by-step free trial contained within the training program. Our system is designed to track the progress of our members as they complete each step of the training scheme – we will come to know when a User starts to make money using the system. It is only then that we will charge the card details provided by the User at the time of signing up for the free trial. We would like reinforce:
- The User gives us the authority to charge their card as soon as he/she starts to make money using our program.
- Submitting his/her cards details at the time of registration for the free trial acts as permission for the above clause.
- No further permission/intimation will be required before charging the card.
- We are permitted to charge the card only once.
- We will not attempt to charge the card any further once the membership fee has been gained.
- We will discard all personal data related to the card as soon as it has been charged, and will in no manner store it within our systems.
Since the User’s cards are charged only after money has started to be made, we cannot issue a refund once the card has been charged.
The above guarantee is applicable only if the User completes all the steps of the training within 24 hours of logging in to their account. All trials will be settled permanently if the User does not completes the training within 24 hours time frame, irrespective of making money or not.”
OK. I know that sounds scary, but really look how easy it is…DataMoneyOnline even includes a 5 minute video RIGHT on their sales page that shows you how to make $1,000s! Here’s a screenshot of it:
Just watch this easy 5 minute "Terms of Use Violation" static screenshot!
Hmm. OK. Maybe that wasn’t the best example. But anyhow, apparently it’s really easy to make thousands of dollars really, really fast.
Not to worry, you can easily resolve any dispute you might have via a quick trip to Kolkata, West Bengal, India according to their privacy policy (umm, why is that section in their privacy policy)? Here you go:
“Governing law
This policy and the use of this Site are governed by Indian law. If a dispute arises under this Policy we agree to first try to resolve it with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in the following location: Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Any costs and fees other than attorney fees associated with the mediation will be shared equally by each of us.
If it proves impossible to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solution through mediation, we agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration at the following location: Kolkata, West Bengal, India, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitration may be entered in any court with jurisdiction to do so.”
I’m booking MY refund-getting flight NOW!
Checking prices on roundtrip flights to Kolkata
This is a no-brainer. I would merely need to spend $1270.00 to pursue my $197.00 refund. Easy-peasy!
This could be ME pursuing my $197.00 refund!
This all seemed so familiar…
I had a nagging feeling throughout analyzing DataMoneyOnline that a lot of it seemed very familiar. But I checked through the WorkAtHomeTruth site and couldn’t find any research I had done on DataMoneyOnline.
However, after a bit more digging I figured out what was going on.
There is another site I reviewed a while back called MakeMoneyStudio (reviewed here) which was loaded with stock photo testimonials.
Taking a look at nameservers, it turns out that both and are sharing the following nameservers:
- name servers name servers
Is this the work of ongoing marketing menace Vipul Gupta?
About a year ago I recall running across some questionable “Data Entry” sites run by someone allegedly named Vipul Gupta who seemed to be operating out of West Bengal, India.
Sure enough, not only shares the same name servers as and
DNS info for
DNS Info for
AND registrant information for is:
Eknowledge Marketing
Vipul Gupta ([email protected])
AE 90, Rabindrapally
West Bengal,700102
Which looks suspiciously similar to the registrant information for
eKnowledge Marketing
eKnowledge Marketing ([email protected])
Cj-129, Salt lake
Bottom line: Avoid
Where to file complaints:
- Federal Trade Commission –
- Internet Crime Complaint Center –
- Attorneys General offices of your State and the State out of which the company is operating – Use the NAAG list here
- Better Business Bureau – BBB Complaint Form
Filing disputes with your Credit Card company or Bank:
You can typically find out how to file disputes with your credit card company on the back of your billing statement and you can also read up about filing disputes with your credit card or bank at takes off after the FTC crackdown
Final note: Once again we see an extremely questionable site taking off like crazy just after the FTC Operation ShortChange crack down. DataMoneyOnline is shon trending towards 1 MILLION Unique visitors per month.
If You're Struggling To Make Money Online - Click Here To Watch This Free Video And FINALLY Get Answers To All Of Your Questions About Making Money Online
Thank you for this information. Due to the fact I’m always looking for good work at home opportunities. Once again thank you because I could have been one of those people who just lost there money. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the tip. Ever heard of a company named Cloud10?…it is an at home Work professionals site
@Sandra – you’re welcome.
@Darius – Yes, there is information about Cloud 10 here:
Cloud 10 Corp info
I have saved this page, Paul, thanks for the warning. I would love to know how you find all these ways and places to check all this stuff out> My favorite way to find things is to stumble upon them and then not know how to get back to them again, lol.
Like the way I found, I went to support for Automated, and ended up at your site with one click of the mouse. I still think my Angels were watching out for me that day. Thank you again, kassie52509
I can’t believe there’s a “Salt Lake” out in India as well…Quoting:
eKnowledge Marketing
eKnowledge Marketing ([email protected])
Cj-129, Salt lake
After all the experiences I’ve had with that town in the USA…
You may have difficulty remembering ‘Gene Truman”s face, but I had no difficulty spotting the pretty girl in the orange top madly flashing her wonga right up above him. I’ve spotted her in a few places related to Google Money scams, a nice sample of her work (blue t-shirt this time) is here:
As you said, the “T&C” of DataMoneyOnline take some beating…
We know when you START to make money, so we’ll charge you then! (No refunds remember)
This means that THEY say when you’ve made $1 so THEY bill you $197 then – before you’ve even found out IF you’ve actually made the $1!!
As it says at the bottom of their web-page,
“That’s the great thing about F.U. money. You walk away anytime.”
I think they’re talking about themselves with that one.
Thank you, great information to know. What do you think and know of Global Resort Network? Is it worth the heavy investment being a big ticket that it is. Your thoughts and knowledge is greatly appreciated, rhanks again. Oh, and can you recommend one with outstanding support.
Thank you. You save me some money.
please give me some information abaut funddraising
neill Enterpprisses related to coffe sanora o abc
fundraising.and sell wireles cellphone in the internet.
thank you
sandra almonte
@Strangely – hilarious observation about the F.U. money.
And an amazing AG contribution diagram over on that page. Really explains quite a few mysteries of non-prosecution.
I wish I had a more methodical way to watch for them. I’m working on some of that.
For the people who are asking questions about things OTHER than DataMoneyOnline, please post those questions here:
Thank you for all the info. Too many times I see jobs that are getting close to being too good to be true… Reading your posts keeps me on my toes.
I couldn’t figure out what you meant there, about the AG, for a while. That’s the trouble when the post/comment/investigation trail is huge…
You’re referring to Attorney General Mark Shurtleff who’s now moved on. The real credit for all that goes to the brave people at and especially Eric S Peterson in this article (repeated to assign credit correctly):
This guy is so brave, especially when you consider the enormous, close, powerful forces that he’s dealing with, right on his doorstep.
And that DataMoneyOnline doesn’t look right…I’m just off to book my flight to India now, splitting the costs (apart from legal costs, of course), with DataMoneyOnline!
(no post from Dana showing as yet but it’s in my reader).
Dana said;
“i am also a victim of they got me for $198.50. fortunately, my bank refunded my money and is in the process of prosecuting them…”
Is this correct? Is your bank actually prosecuting them? Because if so, this is a first for me. From all the reports I’ve read, the banks usually just close the shutters for you and drag the cash back from the scammer leaving them to the inevitable fate of being un-representable by a credit card company… Then the scammer will just move on with a different name.
If you’re right, this could be the start of something good, unless I’ve missed any previous instances of such banking behaviour.
Nicely researched, Paul. It’s sad to see that so many people who want to work at home put faith in these kinds of websites and fall for these kinds of schemes.
Please HELP, I have also been scammed by by Data Money Online and just need to know how to go about getting my refund of 197.00. I have tried for months and got no where. If you can let me know the contact information I would be greatful. I have made no money with this company but they sure did on me. How depressing