Note: All details of the Susan Richardson Home Profit Center sales page, terms and conditions, privacy policy, etc. as outlined in this post have preserved in multiple ways, including video recording.
This Home Profit Center review of red flags deals with several parts of the sales process that you should know about.
Home Profit Center One-On-One Consultation Ploy
Home Profit Center states: “You’ll get a free one-on-one phone consultation with a Search Engine Agent Advisor to discuss your individual goals and map out and ensure your quick path to financial success.”
My advice is that whenever you see this sort of claim on a website you need to run away from that site as fast as you possible can.
Because these types of “free consultations” are typically used to get you into a high pressure phone call who just wants to find out how much credit and money you have and how much they can get out of you for worthless products and overpriced (and usually useless) coaching.
I’ve heard from and talked to people get taken for tens of thousands of dollars from these types of operations.
Maybe Home Profit Center is different, but I seriously doubt it.
Summary Of Other Home Profit Center Red Flags
Home Profit Center Red Flag #1) “As Advertised On” claim
Home Profit Center uses the claim “As Seen On” on the first page and then lists these logos:
- Fox News
- USAToday
- CW
The phrase “As Advertised On” which Home Profit Center uses means nothing at all since anybody at all can run ads on those companies’ websites. is meaningless.
Red Flag #2) Headline #1 Used By Questionable Sites
The headline of the first page of Home Profit Center makes the claim:
“In The Next 90 Seconds – Gain Access To A Work-At-Home Job That Can Earn You Up To $87 An Hour”
That EXACT headline has been used on hundreds of questionable websites sites that use the same kind of template that Home Profit Center does.
Red Flag #3) Headline #2 Used By Questionable Sites
The headline of the second page of Home Profit Center makes the claim:
“If You Can Spare 60 Minutes A Day, We Can Offer You A Certified, Proven And Guaranteed Home Job To Make $379/Day From Home!”
THAT sentence is EXTREMELY popular with companies that run hundreds of questionable sites that all look like Home Profit Center.
Red Flag #4) Use Of NBC News Clip
Home Profit Center is using a video clip coming from NBC News that’s simply about “work from home” in general but does NOT specifically have anything atl all to do with HomeCashIncomeJobs which resides on
Red Flag #5) Bogus “Link Posting” Income Projections wants you to believe that you will be making money merely by posting links and includes the following bogus income projection:
“Let’s do the math: 15 links for $15 each equals $225. That’s $225 for 60 minutes of work! If you do this five days a week, you can make $1,125 a week… $4,500 a month… and $58,500 a year! And that’s just 1 hour a day, I do at least 3 hours per day Monday to Friday keeping the weekends to myself.”
That would be great if it were true. But it’s NOT true at all. In fact, the only way you get paid in a program like this is if somebody discovers your link, clicks on your link, and subsequently takes an action such as purchasing a product or service, filling out a form (such as filling out a detailed insurance quote form that will allow an insurance company to follow up with them).
In other words, what Home Profit Center fails to mention is the fact that just because you PLACE an advertisement containing a link, does NOT at all mean you will get paid from doing so. In fact, most of the time you Will Not.
Red Flag #6) Bogus Karl Goodard Story
The Karl Goodard story used on Home Profit Center is used across HUNDREDS of questionable websites – the EXACT same story filled in with different names as you can see in the video below:
If You're Struggling to Make Money Online Click Here to Get Answers to All of Your Questions About Making Money Online.
I sent $98.00 to the on line company and never heard from them again.
The message when entering payment as to go to a web address and set up a web site.
Did not happen and when I asked for help the address given was not available to communicate with anyone.
Defiantly a SCAM
I would like to get my money back!
Jerry, if you paid with a credit card, file a dispute with your credit card company. The dispute procedures are usually on the back of your billing statement. If you paid with a debit card, you’ll need to talk to your bank about their particular dispute procedures.