If you’re thinking of getting Home Income Cash Machine, you may want to take a look at the following Home Income Cash Machine review of red flags.
Red Flag #1) The sales page is listed off of a domain called SecureEpage .com – a domain that has hosted sales for numerous products that have generated an enormous number of complaints.
Red Flag #2) Claims that… “In The Next 90 Seconds – Gain Access To A Work-At-Home Job That Can Earn You Up To $87 An Hour”. That exact same headline has been used over and over to sell numerous highly questionable products.
Red Flag #3) Claims that… you can create $87 per hour and $379 per day. Those numbers are totally randomly, made-up amounts which have nothing to do with reality since the income is derived from sales and they’ve very little if any idea exactly what products you might decide to sell or what the amount of profit you’d make on those items.
Red Flag #4) Uses the sentence “As Advertised On”” which is entirely meaningless since that doesn’t mean that statement has anything at all to do with Home Income Cash Machine. You’ll find it using the immediately following logos:
- Fox News
- abc
- USA Today
Red Flag #5) Uses a video clip coming from NBC News that’s simply about “work from home” in general but does NOT specifically have anything atl all to do with HomeIncomeCashMachine which resides on MySecurePage.com.
Red Flag #6) The top part of HomeIncomeCashMachine says the inventor’s name is Janet Rhodes – the particular disclaimer says: *”For purposes of privacy, the creator of Search and Social Goldmine is using the pen name Aaron Reed “. Apparently Home Income Cash Machine can’t even get their fake facts straight. :-O
Red Flag #7) Statement that “If You Can Spare 60 Minutes A Day, We Can Offer You A Certified, Proven And Guaranteed Home Job To Make $379/Day From Home!” What exactly is that based on? Having spoken to a senior litigator at the FTC at length in the past over numerous phone conversations, I’m fairly certain that the Federal Trade Commission would have a BIG problem with that particular claim.
Update: 4/14/2012 – Speaking of this type of claim, it appears that a site called Online Profit Masters is now being promoted by sites that used to promote Home Income Cash Machine.
Red Flag #8) Use of alternate testimonial images. Here’s what their disclaimers towards the bottom state:
“For the sake of customer privacy, Search and Social Goldmine reserves the right to protect and/or substitute the images of attestants. The images displayed hereon are not the actual images of the attestants.”
Even if past customer testimonials used the sales page are true (not very likely), you may want to consider the fact that consider that lots of websites began using this kind of language because they were getting outed by way of Federal Law Enforcement as well as buyer protection websites for using stock images for their testimonials.
Red Flag #9) Free Phone Consultation Scam:
“You’ll get a free one-on-one phone consultation with a Search Engine Agent Advisor to discuss your individual goals and map out and ensure your quick path to financial success.”
This type of 100 % free “Assistance” is typically used as a ploy to to get you to talk to a sales rep that will attempt to pressure you into spending cash on higher priced items you don’t need or that are of highly dubious quality.
Red Flag #10) Claims to be using the Plimus ordering system.
That makes no sense at all, because about a month ago Plimus banned all business opportunities from their marketplace. So I’m skeptical at this point that Home Income Cash Machine is actually using Plimus as their order processor.
Red Flag #11) Fake scarcity script – “only 2 positions left” – that hundreds of extremely questionable business opportunity sites have used.
Red Flag #12) Home Income Cash Machine is operating under multiple names, including, but not limited to the following:
- Home Income Cash Machine
- Search And Social Goldmine
- Clicks 2 Cash
- ClicksToCash
- Stay At Home Income System
- My Secure Page
Notice that they misspelled their own product name on the order page:
If You're Struggling to Make Money Online Click Here to Get Answers to All of Your Questions About Making Money Online.
You can search the BBB, but sometimes you need to know the name of the company behind the site. In this case, the company name is Search and Social, LLC (which you can see at the bottom of the page).
Search and Social, LLC is not BBB Accredited. You can see the information here:
BBB report on Search and Social. They have an F, but the BBB almost always gives any work-at-home/business opportunity an F, so what you really need to do is look at the complaint history.
There are 13 complaints right now – but one thing to keep in mind is that Search and Social, LLC has done many things to make it heard to figure out what to complain about – for example they use the domain SecureePage – they change the name of the products on a regular basis, and the name of their company is at the bottom of the page where a lot of people don’t look (I don’t know what they show up on billing-wise.
The BBB rating system has some serious problems – so you really have to go by the complaint history as much as possible. If you’re not sure what I mean, you might want to take a look at this ABC investigation into the BBB:
what do you do in order to get your money back if you’ve been scammed by them?
I fell for this BS also. Now I am out $97.00. I sent 3 e-mails. All were returned not address. This
email was on my receipt.
This happened to me as well.. They say they have a 60day money back guarentee.. They dont! The website claims you HAVE to wait 60days before getting a refund.. and now when I call he claims that it is only 30days and there is nothing they can do!
how can i get my money back?!?!?!
File a dispute with your credit card company – the dispute procedures are usually on the back of your billing statement. If you paid with a debit card, you’ll need to talk to your bank. That’s b.s. – and it’s not clearly and conspiciously placed, which is something the FTC would likely have a serious problem with.
I called and talked with one of their customer service reps, she said I have to try the program for 30 days before I can get refunded. I just ordered it yesterday. If I file a complaint through my bank, will it do me any good? Or will I have to wait 30 days regardless? I was charged 97$
File the complaint. The 30 day period is B.S. – especially since their entire sales letter is fraudulent to begin with.
i filed a claim with my bank, the bank credited me back the money for now but i dont know what the final outcome will be if the bank cant recover their money
What did you say?
Fees and Cancellations
Customers who feel that the Home Income Cash Machine System is not for them may cancel at anytime. In order to be eligible for the IRON CLAD 60-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, the customer must have logged into the system, and attempted the program for the entire term of 60-Days. If they have not made at least the same amount of money that they initially invested after trying the program for 60 days, they may contact customer support to request their refund within 7 days of the expiration of their 60-day trial period. Failure to try the program for the minimum time frame will result in forfeiture of guarantee.
what a pain they are!!! I’m so upset that i fell for this crap.
Why can’t these phony companies be shut down? Taken off the internet? Sued into oblivion? Put the people who run them in jail.
Argh! I’m normally skeptical about things like this. I can’t believe I fell for this B.S. I want my money back!
I feel the same way.
im upset with myself falling for this foolishness………i understand they have shams on the internet but what makes me very upset that this program was supposed to be $49.95 investment. I can understand a lost of a $50 investment. But this company charged me a extra $97 to upgrade to a VIP “Google” Package, but i never agreed on upgrading to this VIP……..An they automatically charge it to my debit card. So this turned ot to be another wasted $150.00….SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you filed a fraud dispute with your credit card company or bank?
I fell for this crap!!! I will be disputing with credit card company.
So in other words I should not go for this? I was really excited talking to the guy and I even cried thinking about what I could get my children for Christmas and their birthdays but if I sink 300 dollars into this and it’s a waste than I wouldn’t be able to afford Christmas at all…
Aww…I am sorry to hear that. That was exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to purchase something online and useful for my family and sacrificed the fact of not purchasing a limited amount of spending on a shoe I really loved and this is what I get. I was so angry at myself, I cried for days for making this stupid mistake.
I just want to take a moment to say thank you to Paul Schlegel for the time and effort you put into this. I can’t believe I almost fell for Home Income Cash Machine’s lies. I’m just really glad I came across this page before I wasted any money on them. You have really opened my eyes today and have given me a valuable lesson. Thank you so much! :)
Thanks Juliet
I learned a valuable lesson too after purchasing this. Listen to my husband because he seems to know everything. I thought I shouldn’t tell him just so that I can surprise him with my efforts but instead now I am so embarrassed and I don’t even know how to explain my feelings to him.
Has anyone been refunded after 60 days? Or is the whole “iron clad” refund a joke?
So you can’t make any money from Home Income Cash Machine and it’s total scam? Thanks, Jason
Friends – there is NO WAY to make such easy money – and if there were, people would be hiring you at $15 per hour to make them the $87 per hour they claim (why give away their secret?). You can only earn honest money by providing value. These companies earn dishonest money by making promises they can’t keep. We should be sad that such scams exist and seem to be impossible to shut down, but we should also chide ourselves for still believing in getting high pay for not adding high value.
That’s what my husband said to me after I told him my mistake…”there is no such thing as easy money making..” I am so embarrassed and so sad, I cried for days.
I JUST talked to “SCOTTY” on the phone and was so excited until I found this page–now I just feel stupid!
I am a person who REALLY wants and needs to make money. Glad I didn’t waste anymore money on this crap! I’m out $97 so far.
If you tried navigating away from the page, it actually goes lower. I couldn’t believe I fell for something like this. It was so obvious. And like many of you, I desperately wanted to make money.
Have any of you actually tried this or is this just a response to reading other complaints?
I’ve tried it. I purchased it. No confirmation receipt of purchase. I got lost because I didn’t know what I purchased because they just sent me a supplysupport thing. After receiving another email with a link, I had no idea what my account information was and that was when I realized this is bogus and asked for a refund. They reply with that stupid IronClad 60 days trial where if you are not successful then you can call them back for a refund. I told them I don’t even have an account and would like a refund and so they sent me my account info and some days the account works some days it doesn’t. Then, within the account there are more ads you have to purchase without any other option. I stopped there and researched bout this bogus and led me here. Sadly, I didn’t think twice like I always did and was fooled. I was in desperate mode. So its either too late for me or I can try in a couple weeks to get a refund back. It is real and I wish Law and Order shows really were true and existed to catch these people who steal our hard working money as well as steal our lives and self esteem. Now I feel so stupid and wished I never knew how to work with purchasing stuff online.
If you paid with a credit card and possibly with a debit card with the visa logo you can just file a dispute claim with your cardholder and they will typically refund the money to your account especially after you explain what is going on. I don’t know about other financial institutions but the credit union I belong to made a note of the company I was having problems with and told me they had several complaints on the same company so they were flagging the company so they could be more closely investigated. I saw Home Income Cash Machine on monster.com and put the name of it in a google search to see if it was scam and I discovered that yes it is.
I got took by these jerks. I lost my job and have been floundering for months , I tried this company thinking I could manage to make it work, they took my $77.00 and I have a list of solicitors wanting me to give them money for there on line job soft-ware. Live and learn.
I signed and paid $77.00 yesterday. Discovered the program was not simply keystroke but customers have fill out surveys and or buy produts in order for you to make anything. And what a hassle! Call 877-355-7771 and speak to Betty-supervisor-I got a full refund-supposedly. Will see within 2 days!
Did you get your refund? Betty, that is her name?
I am so glad I came across this webpage. I almost signed up as well. They had it listed as $97 special discount offer to join now with only 3 positions left in my area… After reading the above I went back to the other web page I had open which was Home Income Cash Machine and tried to push the back button to get to the original page I had found the link on. After pushing the back button I received a message box basically saying ‘wait.. are you sure.. we will offer you a one time special that is usually only offered to friends and family for only $77 to join now. But act now since there is only 2 positions left in your area.’ Again I pushed the back button. Then I got another message box that said ‘Last chance. We will offer this to you for $150 off , but only if you join now. There is now only 1 position left in your area’….
Yeah right… I again tried to push back and it no longer had a “back” option on my toolbar. Needless to say I closed the whole page..
Heh. I had to open Windows Task Manager and click on Stop Task to get away! (A little tactic I’ve learned from hitting probably too many illegit sites.) Anyway, when I read through the offer, my scam alarm was going off like crazy but I’ve got to admit I was still tempted. Glad I found this site and the responses. I’ve got to wonder if ANYONE has ever had any success at this….
Wishing I had found this website before I paid the $77. At least I think that was all I was billed. Desperately needing money in these hard times and thought that this would help. Only to find out it’s a bunch of BULL. Boy, do I feel stupid! I am calling my bank and going to try and get my money back somehow.
i almost fell for it, but wanted to know the creditibility of this site and stumbled onto this page… http://www.top3workathome.net/?t202id=11248&t202kw=work%20from%20home%20scams I was reading the comments down at the bottom, when i realized “Dan” asked a question on the 29 which “Justin” replied to him on the 28th. smart feller Justin knew dan was gonna post the next day so he answered his question beforehand haha. sorry for the people that fell for this i know it sux i have fallen for a scam before too thats why i wanted to know the creditibility first.
Great catch.
I posted a screenshot of the section you’re talking about below:

I followed a link on the monster.com job board. Was reading the comments below the article and video an d noticed that some of the posters had different names but used the same verbiage and had same grammar. Like Dennis and Janet D are the same person.
Janet D
Monday, December 5, 2011 @ 5:07pm
Thanks for the info, just started this 5 weeks ago. I’ve got 2 checks for a total of $750, pretty cooll.!
Friday, December 2, 2011 @ 9:45am
Thanks for the info, just started this 4 weeks ago. I’ve got my FIRST cheque total of $350, pretty cooll.!
I also noticed that the dates change daily to make them seem more updated. The first time I viewed that page some of the comments were from December 21 and 22. Today I went back to look at it and those same posts were dated as yesterday and today!
Great catch. I hadn’t noticed that.
Thank you. My husband and I, both seniors are looking to make extra money from home to compensate for our limited social security checks. We paid $77 and have been trying to get it going for weeks. We could not get past the page that said we needed a web site but we could get one free if we responded immediately! You need a web host from BrainHost for over $200.
Thanks to you, I called the 1-877-355-7771 and demanded our money back. Did not give the girl a chance to talk but told her it was all a scam and I was going to report it to the FTC.
I’ve seen an incredible number of complaints about BrainHost. Some people have showed me the so-called “free” websites they got and they are complete garbage full of duplicate content.
If you want to file complaints with all of the relevant U.S. Law Enforcement agencies, I have this page set up to help you:
How To File Consumer Complaints
can you help me out on how to take my money back guarantee from this home profit systems? i was so desperate to have this that i didnt realized this is all a scam. please somebody help me in having the moneyback guarantee..
its funny, because to leave a commente, that comment has to first be approved so theres no negative feedback haha. thanks for saving me the money guys.
karen would you be nice & give me info on how the phone jobs works plz
I really cant believe their are so-called companies out here running like this? Who is surposed to stop them, They got me too for 97 but will be disputing with my bank, cant believe I fell for this! Ugh
thank God I came across this website…they make it seem easy and a really good deal, but something told me to search about it before signing up. thanks for posting this and saving me from a mistake.
its a good thing i did research on this scam because i was ready 2 go for it.these companies knows its ruff out there ppl losing jobs losing there homes so they know ppl are desperate 2 make money so they come up with a scam that sounds good make ppl jump 4 joy but thank god for putting the thought in m head and said find out about what u r getting into and i did thanks ppl yall the ones that really helped me out
i was ready 2 go too scam dam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, so you must know a lot about stuff. do you happen to know how i can find a real work at home job?
What country are you in?
You can try Answering Services. I work for one in a small town and we have people that work in different states and in my area that are work at home’s. I plan to become one myself as soon as my office is sound proofed a little more. Timecommunications.biz is my works website. Not sure of all the states we offer positions in…but i know for sure MN, OR, OK, WI and we may have a few others.
Thank you so much for your web site. I greatly appreciate the information. I was going to spend my last 100 on this crap. In the hopes I could profit and give my kids a good christmas this year. Instead I will be spending that 100 on them. Thank you again.
Thanks, JC
well wish my wife would have found this before she spent money :/ now im left with the option of trying to retreive. lucky for them theres no address for me to visit (which i would) and bootstomp every person i can reach :)
heres there mailing address they provide. good thing im not in vegas, cuz someone would be in the hospital
Search and Social, LLC
5940 S Rainbow Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89118
Monday – Friday 9am-5pm MST
[email protected]
Man I wish I had seen this before I signed up. I gave my money yesterday. Usually I am skeptical about these kinda things too.
Im so sad but releaved at the same time. I was seconds away from ordering this when I came across all these comments. I was really excited when I heard everything and felt like things were going to start looking up. Im glad I had the chance to read these comments.
I also fell for this scam and I am so upset with myself. I am so poor already. I have many health issues and I am on disability. That does not pay enough to live off of so I thought maybe this would bring me some extra income. I am so stupid and just want to die. I can’t wait 60 days to get my money back. I have to do something to get that back. Someone is going to get the wrath of Lori real soon. Is there any at home income opportunity that is not a scam?
File a fraud dispute with your credit card company. Or if you paid with a debit card, talk to your bank.
What if I used a pre paid visa card?
Can you tell me the specific card? Each one has different rules which you can read about here:
http://fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/news/cnfall09/prepaid.html (quick read)
http://defendyourdollars.org/Prepaid%20WP.pdf (longer read).
Thank you all for posting your experience. You are saving people from making a huge mistake. I got sucked in by their website, then looked up reviews and saw this….THANK GOD!!!
I think everyone needs to be thankful for Paul Schlegal and his website. Thank you Paul. I just had an interview today for a job and in case it doesn’t work out I went to a link for this cash machine deal. The first thing I noticed was that the video they show of the young mom who works from home I have seen before over a year ago on a different link to some work at home scheme. I was going to order and not tell my other half hoping I would bring in a lot of money but I usually research the comments on these scams and I’m glad I did. I’m a mother of two and we, like most of you out there, can’t afford to waste money. So thanks again to Paul and everybody’s valuable comments and to those of you who did sign up I hope you get your money back.
Thanks, Tiffany.
i got suckered by them yesterdat and i didn’t upgrade but they charged me 27 in addition to the 97. Will I get a refund?
I signed up for this after getting an email from my “sister” only to find out later she didn’t send the email. I called and cancelled right away and she said the charges would be refunded, didn’t even need to talk with a supervisor or anything. We will see if I get them!
If you are refunded within 48 hours I’d file a fraud dispute with your Credit Card company. If you paid with a debit card, you’ll have to talk to your bank about dispute procedures.
Yes- there ARE legitimate programs out there…. I almost fell for this one just like the rest of you. I am really glad I found this website before I signed up and gave them my money! Email me if you want more info… I am a Registered Nurse and can also help with health problems. No pressure here- I just want to help people financially and physically. Again, contact me for more info. Marykate
I was also a dummy and fell for this scam I was told
I would be charger $47 and they ended up
Taking $197 out of my back after months
Of trieng to see if this works every website
Wanted more and more money. As of a week
Ago they took another 100.50 out without
Permission I am now trieng to get all my
Money back.. It’s bs
I too recieved this link by email from a friend who never sent it. Again another sucker. I fell for it too. I called today to try to get a refund and asked to speak to Betty but was denied on both aspects. I called twice, first I was told Betty had no direct line, the second time I was told that I could be transferred to her voicemail but she also would not be able to get me a refund because I was past the 30 trial period??? On their Website it states 60 day money back guarantee WTF. Apparently if you purchased it you have 30 days to opt outand get a refund or you have to use it in the 60 days and if you make no money then you get a refund. Another little tid bit is that today I recieved a charge of $8.78 that was taken out of my account from “ebiz mentor” when I called about it, I was told that it is the monthly charge to keep the url active and was part of the home cash machine program again something I never agreed on and when purchased, it states theres a one time only fee of $97. I was also never able to log on and never accepted their so called terms and conditions but am still being denied my refund.I am so bummed that I feel for this!! So I made a formal complaint with the FTC. And might be consulting an attorney.
BTW I have been dealing with this all morning and proceeded to send them an email of the complaints I made with not just the FTC but The BBB, sent to [email protected], the one on my information from purchase and I recieved a Domain Failure. So I searched and apparently now the are calling themselves Click to Cash System, new email being [email protected]. I wonder why that is???
Shelley, these companies keep switching sites and names because so many complaints are generated against them that people can find in Google and other online services. It’s a continual hide-and-seek with them.
I would suggest the following. If you paid with a credit card, file a dispute with your credit card company. The dispute procedures are typically on the back of your billing statement. If you paid with a debit card, talk to your bank about the dispute procedures. If you can please post back here to let other people know if you were successful in getting your money back.
the guy I spoke with name was Matt Hunt phone number is 888-352-ebay or3229 I want to know if this is a legitimate company or is it a scam as well. He assures you that the company does not have complaints and guides you to check with the better business burea which confirms no complaints. BUT IS IT LEGITIMATE? You seem to be very successful in getting to the truth. look forward to hearing the truth soon.
Kerry, I’ve been digging and there are some things you should know before making your decision, but it will probably not be until tonight/tomorrow until I can put the information together to make sure I’m correct about the history of the company.
How did you end up talking to Matt? How did he get your name, number, etc?
Yep. I fell for the psuedonym “Stay at Home Income”. So stupid. Thank you, Mr. Work at Home! You are extremely helpful with your advice. Most of us are just “Joe Blows” trying to earn some extra income and we get taken advantage of. I really do appreciate your emails. :))
Thanks, Lori.
Thanks for all the info, so we will know the many scams that are around. I will be sending you in due course some progs where I was scammed so that your readers will avoid these programs.
As much as I appreciate your good work, I would also appreciate if you could also mention honest and paying programs that has quick returns at very low cost or free programs.
Thanks Paul.
Keep up the good work
Phillip Juriansz.
Looking for “quick returns” is what gets people in trouble in the first place. What country are you in? And what’s your background, skillset group, work experience, etc.
What do you know about mobilemoneymachines?
Thank you Paul for the insite, I too was going to purchased this and really don’t have the money. I am on unemployment.
I spent $37.95 and received a phone call yesterday from a man that said he would speak to me about my goals. I was busy so he was supposed to call me back today. I did not receive a link to activate any account. No account number was provided. That was the first clue. When he calls me back today I am so happy I could just cut my loss and not sink anymore money into this website. Thank you very much for the heads up
Hello Paul. I just about ordered it last night. Glad to have found your site. There is one that I think is worth looking into. Work101. If you find something new that works please let us all know. Thanks
Thanks for posting Denise. I actually thought Home Income Cash Machine had died out. Surprised to find out that it’s active again.