In the event that you have in mind to order Home Cash System you might want to study the succeeding warning signs I have described down below:
Home Cash System Review Of Red Flags
Home Cash System Red Flag #1)
Home Cash System claims “In The Next 90 Seconds – Gain Access To A Work-At-Home Job That Can Earn You Up To $87 An Hour”. This is a entirely randomly, fabricated sum due to the fact sales and profits develop from commission fees and they’ve got not a clue precisely what products and solutions you may be marketing or just those items’ commission levels.
Home Cash System Red Flag #2)
Home Cash System Utilizes the particular expression “As Seen On” which is utterly pointless mainly because that doesn’t mean that sentence has anything to do with Home Cash System. It happens to be using the below logos:
- Fox News
- abc
- CW
- Fox Business
- USAToday
Home Cash System Red Flag #3)
Home Cash System is actually employing a video segment produced by NBC which is basically about “working from home” in general but not expressly associated with
Home Cash System Red Flag #4)
The top of tells you the inventor’s name is Jeremy Miller. However, the story used for “Jeremy Miller” is the same story used across hundreds of questionable websites. Also, the photo used for Jeremy Miller appears to be a photo cropped from a MensWear company. Click HERE to check that photo that Home Cash System uses.
Home Cash Sysetm Red Flag #5)
Assertion that “If You Can Spare 60 Minutes A Day, We Can Offer You A Certified, Proven And Guaranteed Home Job To Make $379/Day From Home!” Just what exactly is that based upon?
Home Cash System Red Flag #6)
The subsequent seals on Home Cash System aren’t clickable:
- TrustGuard
- TRUSTe Certified Security
- VeriSign Secured
- McAfee Secure
UnClickable security seals are actually worthless.
Home Cash System Red Flag #7)
Home Cash System states that “You’ll get a free one-on-one phone consultation with a Search Engine Agent Advisor to discuss your individual goals and map out and ensure your quick path to financial success”.
Commonly this specific zero-cost “Assistance” will be used as a scheme to allow them to get you to communicate to a sales person who makes an attempt to push you in to spending money on higher priced options you should not require or sometimes are of sketchy quality.
The above are particulars I hope you’ll bear in mind while you are trying to make a determination concerning the Home Cash System product.
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Just the fact that they used a friend(a reputable attorney)’s email address to send this advertising was red flag # 1 for me. I know he would never send this out.
It’s funny how all of you home cash system bad mouth each other. At the of all this all of you are sailing the same b.s! You talk about your system is real an others are scams. I THINK ALL OF THESE SYSTEM ARE FULL SHIT!!!!! Rip offs and theft artists.
Obviously, I don’t agree. On the other hand your approach is probably the safest approach for many people or even most people and I couldn’t possibly fault them for taking that approach.
i agree with you, and think people are complete idiots if they try this scam, or any for that matter. How dumb could you be?
It’s not stupidity it’s desperation, Hard times for alot of people.
These people have gotten all of my contacts info and have been sending emails as me! How do I get them to stop without having to completely delete MY email account?? Can anyone help??
Once they have your contacts they have them, so deleting your email account won’t matter. However, what you can do to make sure it isn’t hacked again is the following:
1. Change your password to a password that is at least 15 characters long and includes one capital letter and one special character. Make it as random as possible. You can use:
2. Run a full antivirus scan with your current antivirus program & fix any problems found.
3. Run a deep scan with the free version of MalwareBytes which you can get at & fix any problems found.
4. Change your password one more time to another password that is at least 15 characters long and includes one captial letter and one special character. Make it as random as possible.
i singed up and nbothing happened i singed in and it said im not in the system after i did all the paper vwork whats wrong it said i got approved
honestly, if it was that easy, and you made that much money… Do you honestly think I would be working 52 hours a week, and busting my ass to make the little bit of money i do make? No. EVERYONE would be doing it. We’re not doing it because we didnt find such a ‘great’ offer, you didnt get ‘lucky’ and find something awesome, you found trash.Your an idiot if you think any of these types of jobs are real or worth it. This is just hysterical to me when people try this and then get burned in the end. Its your own damn fault and no, no one is going to help your insanity when you try to cry they ripped you off. Its common sense people, use it.
Your so heartless what goes around comes around. They may have a disability like I that prevents them from working physically and sometimes people don’t have the proper mentality to think and make certain decisions, choices. Like you and your cold hearted words. You should feel very fortunate to have such a job, I wish I could everyday I pray that one day I will be better enough to work.
Funny, here in Canada it’s Kelly Richards that is promoting this trash. She has been listed as living in Edmonton, Calgary & a couple of other places. That’s a definate red flag!!
In the email I recieved, Kelly Richards now lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Yeah, according to the one I got she lives in Brooklyn. She gets about a bit!
Please people, don’t fall for this bollocks!
The home cash system is a SCAM !!! When you look at the web site the promotion day always gets extended one more day, the comments of the people making money are the same ones but the post it day also changes.
Don’t get fooled people it’s a Scam..
I am more careful about this kind of thing. I received this “unsolicited” news article. After reading the article, she claims the funds go into her checking acct via direct deposit. First, the date on the check is 2008. Second the check is drawn on a European bank called Citibank Europe ip. Third, you could not cash this check, it would be in Euros not dollars.
See /home-cash-system-review-of-red-flags/
I also recieved e-mails via friends but with no subject matter but just a link to a website. Not knowing what it was I clicked the site & it immediately direct me to the Home Cash System, Of course knowing that it is a scam I immediately clicked off & deleted the mail. I was wondering once you click into the system do they have your e-mail address? Is this how they send out the mails to various people?
No, typically they have to hack into your account and find your contacts that way.
Setting up a home business is much easier said than done.. however don’t get me wrong there are a few sites that offer good internet income opportunities but you have to put in a few hours a day. I’ve been scammed and cheated many times before but there is always an opportunity out there if you look…[SPAM link removed].
Everyone’s sick of scams seriously… we need an honest model for earning income for ourselves because working a job the rest of our lives isn’t going to satisfy what we truly want. Fortunately for me however I stumbled across one site that offers different methods for earning income but it requires time to learn the different methods. [SPAM link removed].
Thanks for your insight into this scam issues.Since you are an expert in this area of work at home scam, do you know of any legitimate home business out their?
This is one that has stood the test of time: